banking exercise???

i worked out like crazy today, and haven't consumed many calories. do you think i can "bank" my exercise calories for camping this weekend? there will be copious amounts of food and beer, and while i'll do my best, i'm not going to be able to eat only 1200 cals (i probably won't be doing much exercise!) whaddya think? should i eat my extra calories today, or bank them for tomorrow?


  • MaryKatU
    MaryKatU Posts: 146
    I'm not quite sure but, when I was on Weight Watchers my daily points came out to the same amount of calories as on MFP. With WW I was able to bank my points earned from exercise for anytime throughout the week. I don't know if that works the same for MFP though. Maybe you could bring healthy things to eat and have what everyone else is having for one meal a day, in moderation of course :) You could also take a walk while you are camping to help balance out the overage in calories. If you stay within your maintenace calories you may not loose this week but atleast you won't gain. Have a fun weekend!
  • katzav
    katzav Posts: 67
    thanx for the answer, though i was gone before i got it!

    i did pretty well with the food, but the alcohol was a different story!