Focused and back on track!!

Just came from Flordia for 2.5 weeks. I dont do very good off my "routine". I have gained weight, 7lbs which really isnt a suprise knowing what I put in my mouth. Today I am back on track.... going to the gym in a little bit here. Excited to be back on track. I will also be going to MN and TN and I need to be in the right mind set to help me make the right decisions when I go to those places also. Its tough for me to actually acknowledge that I have gained weight. Trying not to get into the mind set that I did all this for nothing. That train of thinking could be danergous for me. For the same reason on acknowledging this it gives me strength and will power to not go backwards... if that makes sense. After all this is said and done I still have 20 lbs lost under my belt. So anybody out there thats going through a platau or a hard spot...push ahead! LET GET ER DONE!!!! I know I dont know any of you but I have to say its so nice to vent and know you can understand the good and bad times that go with trying to keep on track. Thank You :laugh:


  • lizzycomp
    lizzycomp Posts: 64
    Think your mindset is in a healthy place... 20 pounds lost IS A VICTORY!!!! And YOU WILL reach your goal! You've got a community behind you!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    good for you! have fun in your travels and keep us posted! I am in California which is beautiful but miss traveling soooo much. you are doing great so far so keep that focus on the positive side and you'll be on a good track again!!!
    best wishes and if you like a challenge try this one:

    ~ Kristy ~ Battle of the Bulge Ring Leader:

    I just joined, it's a blast!
