Anyone else inspired by Oprah?

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
I have lost a lot of weight. I not only reached my goal, I passed it and set a new one. After a truly crazy year of learning to live healthy, be active, and eat properly, I have found myself in a bit of a lull(sp?).

I live in Japan and get American shows a few days after they air in America. I just watched the finale of Oprah last night. Man. I know I might be a little bias because I am a huge fan of hers, but I really felt inspired after watching it. I feel as amped as I felt when I first started losing weight. She is so intelligent. I watched as if she was speaking directly to me.

I am now not only on my way to my new goal of 135lbs. I am going to try to help other people do what I have done. I don't know how yet. I might write a book or become a trainer, or heck, maybe I will become a PE teacher. I have a new purpose and I am so excited about it.

Anyone else watch it? (And really sad it's over?)


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I used to like Oprah a lot. But when she got involved in politics, I was turned off. Can't say I'm that sad...:ohwell:

    However, wherever you find inspiration, it's a beautiful thing!!! So YAY for that!
  • craizydaizy
    craizydaizy Posts: 27 Member
    I watched it! She's had the gears in my brain turning for a while now, trying to figure out my purpose. I always get kinda teary when she does, just like when my momma does. So I hate that the show is over, but I have access to her network OWN and watch it pretty regularly.