Do Thermogenics burn calories?

I am new to the supplement world and I've been researching thermogenics (specifically oxyelite pro) and I'm curious as to how they work, effectiveness, personal experience, safety, etc.

Really any info about thermogenics and the pros and cons of adding them to my new-found healthy lifestyle would be great!

TIA :)


  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I was reading on the same subject. I started looking at ECA stacking, but it is dangerous, or can be. I found this article:
    I started the process yesterday, using the supplements in the article. So far, i feel good and no bad side effects. I can tell you I worked out harder than I have in quite awhile, but it could also be because I finally got a full set of dumbbells and had the proper weight to use. I hope to be able to tell a significant difference in a couple of weeks.