family dinner tonight with his parents.

now trust me i love them. there a great family. but its just since ive been eating less and were going out to dinner im not sure what to do. i kinda dont wanna go because im gonna be expected to eat my food because my boyfriends dad has been talking to me about eating more because he knows ive been trying to cut my calories very much so. ive lost three pounds already in like three days by doing this so im not gonna lie i am pretty happy about this and i want to continue doing this. just not sure how dinner tonight is gonna go.

:( i wish 50 pounds would just melt off!!


  • Jennnnnnnny
    Jennnnnnnny Posts: 373 Member
    now trust me i love them. there a great family. but its just since ive been eating less and were going out to dinner im not sure what to do. i kinda dont wanna go because im gonna be expected to eat my food because my boyfriends dad has been talking to me about eating more because he knows ive been trying to cut my calories very much so. ive lost three pounds already in like three days by doing this so im not gonna lie i am pretty happy about this and i want to continue doing this. just not sure how dinner tonight is gonna go.

    :( i wish 50 pounds would just melt off!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    this is what i do when i go out and it's buffet. it may work for you.
    i take about 1 to 2 tablespoon of the foods i like. this way i get a little of everything and the calories don't add up so quickly. it might work.
    good luck, chipper
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    So go out and have a sensible healthy menu option.

    Let me say this--if you can't learn to go out to eat and order from a "regular" menu something healthy and learn to control your portions even when eating out, then you're not going about this right.

    the key to losing weight is to do it in a healthy manner as you CHANGE your lifestyle. Fast weight loss is not good because it usually will be gained back. It will be gained back because usually the person has not learned to change their lifestyle but has simply severely restricted their diet.

    Take this slow! I know you're young and want to look beautiful "right now" but you're beautiful as you are!

    Those of us who have tried and failed so many times at this can testify that fast doesn't work. Fad diets don't work. Severely restricting your diet doesn't work.

    If people are becoming concerned about how much your eating-that might be a clue that you're not eating enough. AND maybe you don't need to lose as much as you think.

    How many calories a day are you eating anyway?