Sugar, sugar, sugar

Italianant Posts: 18 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on this site for almost 3 weeks. The biggest trend I've noticed is the amount of sugar intake I have... It always tells me I'm way over every day! Does this happen to everyone else? I usually try to eat light yogurt which has a ton of sugar. Even watermelon has so much! Should I care about this or focus only the calorie intake?


  • Here is what I have have to look at were your sugar is comming from. If it's from fruits and veggies, I wouldn't pay it much attention unless you are ungodly over because it can cause you to stop losing or even gain. If it's from the 12 chocolate bars you had then you might want to cut those out. It's kind of like the good fats/bad fats topic, there's good sugar and bad sugar
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    I would be more concerned with calories and your sodium.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I have been only focusing on calorie intake but I to would like to know more about sugar intake. Do you count Natural sugars in fruit less than processed sugars? Would really like an answer too. Hope you get more posts so I can check back on the responses:smile:
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    Don't focus TOO MUCH on sugar because there is good natural sugar from fruits and then there is bad gonna-give-you-a- muffin top sugar. You have to just make sure that MOST of the sugar your take in is the good kind and focus on those calories!
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    I go over my sugar everyday and it is really frustrating for me!
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Sugar is all counted as sugar. However, fructose and sucrose are processed differently in your body. Even though HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP is just sugar and comes from corn so it's "all natural" it actually causes your body to have an inflammatory response because so much sugar has to be processed so quickly. It can even effect your liver. Straight up carbs (which is what sugar is- carbon, hydrogen, oxygen) from fruits and vegetables are still carbs/sugar, but the other stuff you consume along with them is what will make the difference in your overall health. It may be a little dry- but for an explanation you should really read in Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food"
  • Italianant
    Italianant Posts: 18 Member
    I don't really know! I just look at what this website tells me after it calculates my food for the day. It usually at a negative 40.
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