HATE is a strong word...

but let me tell you ..... i am really starting to strongly DISLIKE my 13 year old daughter!!!!! That girl has the biggest attitude problem eva!!!! last night i told her that she needs to change the litter box because it stinks... you know what she had the nerve to say to me " well why dont you get off your lazy *kitten* and do it yourself then" :explode: .... ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? she does nothing to help out in this house her room is a pigsty ......the ONLY thing i ask of this child is she scoop the cat litter.... I am a single mother raising 3 kids by myself and i run a home daycare .... and she cant scoop the cat litter....NICE...
She is so lucky im not violent cause lemme tell you i VISUALISED my fist going down her throat :laugh:

oh did i forget to mention her 10 year old brother can load and unload the dishwasher every day ... but she cant scoop cat crap..... nice


  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    but let me tell you ..... i am really starting to strongly DISLIKE my 13 year old daughter!!!!! That girl has the biggest attitude problem eva!!!! last night i told her that she needs to change the litter box because it stinks... you know what she had the nerve to say to me " well why dont you get off your lazy *kitten* and do it yourself then" :explode: .... ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? she does nothing to help out in this house her room is a pigsty ......the ONLY thing i ask of this child is she scoop the cat litter.... I am a single mother raising 3 kids by myself and i run a home daycare .... and she cant scoop the cat litter....NICE...
    She is so lucky im not violent cause lemme tell you i VISUALISED my fist going down her throat :laugh:

    oh did i forget to mention her 10 year old brother can load and unload the dishwasher every day ... but she cant scoop cat crap..... nice
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I broke my kid of that a few years back, he is now 15 and when he was 9 or 10, he started that and at that time, I was still married to his dad, he was no help.

    I started taking away pirvledges. No phone, no tv, no going out, no new toys or gifts.....

    It went on for about 3 months and it finally worked.

    I would even get a baby sitter when he started this crap and I went out with out him.

    He came home one day and all his electronics were locked up in the car!!!!

    Also, there are several military schools that you can threaten with!!!!

    Good Luck!!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I can feel your pain Jackeh. My daughter, now 21, turned from the sweetest little pretty girl in the world to the b from h^^^ at around that age.

    The worst part was I was so sad about losing our friendship. The funny part was she was more ME than I ever wanted to realize.

    Hold steady my friend, the real girl is in there, I swear!!

    She will drive you insane, piss you off, and push the envelope to see what she can get away with.

    Then suddenly one day she will hug and kiss you and tell you you are the best mom in the world.

    in the meantime-stay away from Tai Bo so you dont have the means to actually put her out! :laugh:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Girl, you are scary the crap out of me. I have 2 daughters (4 and 3) and they have already started giving me attitude. I do send them to their rooms or give them a time out when they talk back but man, I can't imagine when their vocabulary increases. :sad:

    I guess the only advice I might have is to keep on her and give her consequences for her actions (or bad attitude). Maybe start giving her more chores and if she doesn't do them, then she doesn't get to use the phone or something along those lines. I don't know, just a suggestion.

    I'm praying for you to give you strength. Girls can be really difficult. Hopefully I can call on you when I get to that point.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • marskids
    marskids Posts: 296 Member
    13........tough age...for the children and for the parents!!!

    I hope she makes it to 14:laugh:

    Here's to you for not doing what you imagined doing.:flowerforyou:
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Though mine are grown there are two places that might help....

    For those of you with younger kids, 10 on down..http://www.HouseFairy.org/....it looks kinda hokey from and adult point of view but has been getting rave reviews from parents using it. There is a charge but I don't think it's much.

    For those of you with older kids...or those of you (like me!!!!) who have a difficult time just getting stuff done there is http://www.flylady.net/index.asp.... FLY stands for Finally Loving Yourself. This site helped me immensely to pull myself together, I wish I had been a FlyBaby when my kids were growing up.The support and help with your self concept REALLY DO make a difference. The site first deals with the chaos/clutter in our lives physically, and then addresses the emotional side of things. I still use the site daily...probably always will to keep some sort of focus, otherwise the mess faries run rampant through my mind and home. It's free BTW.

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    My daughter went from being an angel to this deamon child around the same age. She started sneaking out, then running away, got into trouble with the law. Then at 16 she was sent to boot camp for 6 months. That really did some good!!!!! Now she is 21 and doing much better. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone!!!! The only advice I can give is to let her know you still LOVE her but she is making the wrong choices and heading down the wrong path......

    Good luck!!

  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    13........tough age...for the children and for the parents!!!

    I hope she makes it to 14:laugh:

    Here's to you for not doing what you imagined doing.:flowerforyou:

    There is no super power on the face of this planet like a 13 year old girl with attitude! :angry: Sounds like she has some real issues that need to be worked out, especially as she believes that *everything* (as in insert topic here) is your fault. Hopefully she will pull her head out in time to catch the flight back to planet earth where you live. Until then, hugz to you baybee :flowerforyou:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    I have a darling daughter who is 13 too. She has turned into a sullen sulky brat - (when she's not being a great kid that is) At one point I took out pictures of her younger self and left them lying around hoping to bring back my little angel with the total sparkle in her eye. She was a total and complete joy until she turned 10 - she has been practicing for all that time to be a typical teenage girl!! I just tell myself to be patient and the inner wonder will come out again - soon I hope! The only time she really helps out is when she has to before she can partake in any activities with her friends. How many times a day do I hear "you're the meanest mom ever" On another side of things, I am glad (sorry) that other younger moms are experiencing this because I got to thinking it was because maybe I really "just don''t get it" like she always says because I was 37 when she was born.
    Any tips in this area would be welcome - also any for the 15 yr old boy who treats us like we no longer have brains!!
    Have a happy day!
  • Juliebean
    This may seem obvious, so forgive me if you've done this already, but have you tried talking to her? I'm guessing there's a reason that she's acting this way. Is she having trouble at school? Does she feel like you're not paying enough attention to her because of all the other children you have to love and care for throughout your day? 13 is a rough age, and while I DEFINITELY don't condone her talking to you that way, I remember all too well what it was like to be 13 living with my single mom. I said some way worse things to my mom when I was that age, and I was the good kid. Never got into trouble at all with anything else, but I felt like I could slap at my mom when I couldn't take it out on the rest of the world, mainly because I knew she would never leave. I knew that no matter what I did or said she would love me anyway. Maybe your daughter is going through something similar...?

    Ok, gotta go call mom and apologize now...! :laugh:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh my word, I'm about ready to cry reading these posts because now I know I wasn't alone. What a relief to know others went through the same thing. When my daughter started going through puberty, she too went from the sweetest mommy's girl to a evil acting alien from some other planet. I was so unprepared! Nobody warned me! That was the first time I ever hated my daughter. Somehow we got through it and I loved her again. She's now 34 and I still love her. I was a single mom too so take heart because I promise it will get better. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    Oh my girlie.... We're in the same boat - not ten minutes ago, my 12 (almost 13 going on 30) youngest daughter had to be reminded that the world does NOT revolve around her and she will be respectful. 'cuz I can still out run her little 120 pound butt)

    There are just days. Gotta love it when they PMS too... :ohwell:

    Don't get it.. My oldest daughter (17) is polite, kind, thoughtful AND NOT A SASSY BONE IN HER BODY. What the heck did I do - oh yeah *light bulb* the youngest one is just like her dad. :huh:

    Sending hugs your way!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: