Get my butt to the gym

Gcu016 Posts: 3
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Feeling lazy =/
What are some of your motivations that get you up off the couch into the gym??


  • abcgirl18
    abcgirl18 Posts: 53 Member
    I tell myself is all im going to do is 10 mins then after the 10 mins i tell myself 10 more mins then i keep going until i reach 1 hr :smile:
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    You totally have to find your own motivation. For example, some of MFP's decided to pledge some miles in May - biking, walking/running, swiming. I pledged 200 miles. I was (and still am) motivated to reach that goal. Find something that motivates you to work out - maybe for 100 hours in gym you will buy yourself an expensive pair of running shoes you want, or if you go every day (giving yourself a day off once a week) for a month you will get a two day gym vacation. You have to figure out what motivates you. If you want, friend me, and join my June challenge - Jumps in June.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I go straight from work to the gym. When I first started working out, I just went to classes that I enjoyed. I forced myself to go. Eventually it became a habit and now I am addicted.

    Running was hard for me at first. To keep me motivated, I signed up for races and told my family and friends about it - that way I would have to train and finish the race.

    Also, it helps to have a friend to work out with. See if you can find a girlfriend to sign up for a class with you, go for walks, runs, bike rides, etc.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I tell myself that getting skinny will not magically happen and results don't come for free. Everything you do today right now at this moment will get me closer to the body I want. If I put it off its another day wasted. I enjoy exercising and feel weird now when I don't workout. It's also nice if the people you surround yourself with are like-minded. My boyfriend and I live together and he works out 5 days a week. He's hot I love him and I need to look just as good as he does! LOL :)
    Take it one day at a time, but make that day today.
  • ewhitis
    ewhitis Posts: 132
    My gym has tanning facilities and a collagen bed. I use that as the carrot to entice me! (Yes I know that tanning isn't good for you, but I try to do it in moderation.)
  • ageros
    ageros Posts: 66 Member
    My best motivation, is being the only night person amongst my friends, so at midnight I'm still awake and...bored. So I go to the gym to pass the time. :D
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