hectic days

Ugh, it seems like every time I have a small victory, something comes along and squashes it. Last week I had lost 2 pounds and that was exactly what I needed to get motivated again and see another loss.

However this week, work has been insane. I've been extremely stressed out, my boss has been on my case all week and treating me like I'm an idiot, I've been working a lot of overtime and it's only going to get worse from here for the next week or two. I come home completely mentally and emotionally drained, so cooking healthy foods is the last thing on my mind. Even if I eat something healthy, I just have no motivation to log or weight it or anything, I just want to shove it in my mouth and go crash on the couch.

It's not even really emotional eating, it's just that I'm too tired to be bothered with thinking about doing it right. Not to mention I am also in grad school so coming home from a hectic day at work and still have homework to do makes it worse. It's also been raining cats and dogs this week, so my usual bike rides have been put on hold. Yeah I could go to the gym, but once I'm home, I don't want to do anything I don't have to.

This is a three day weekend, I plan to get back on track with my eating and exercise, and use the three days to recharge my batteries....but how do I stick to it again next week when I'm stressed at work, and after a long 12 hour days when all I want to do is say screw it and get an easy quick meal from McDonalds?


  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Could you have things pre-cooked and ready to eat in the fridge? Things like chicken breast that could be chopped up and put on a salad, or heated up and eaten with a side? Or if you know its going to be a really long hard day could you take a few minutes to throw food into the slow cooker before leaving for work? It would take some planning, but you can do it!