the opposite of support id say



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I totally agree. Which is why I get so frustrated when people come on here preaching about how their way is the only way, when it is abundantly clear that all sorts of approaches have similar results - low fat, low carb, calorie counting alone, cardio only, weights only, eating back exercise calories, not eating them back, or a combination. Every single approach has worked for some people on here. The preaching is just boring.
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I guess a point I failed to make was that IM HERE to be held accountable, so CALL ME ON IT! If you think Im eating crap, or NOT eating enough calories, say so. Dont hide behind some snide public remark so that girls already low on self esteem can worry about whether this idiot is talking about them... I notice this site is predominantly women, and many I would venture to assume are trying to build a better body image while they build a better body.
    As far as I can see, there is no benefit to what I described above.
    Now to address the support of the girl eating at McDs. I never once said you should support someone making choices that YOU deem right or wrong in any way. What I said was to either call the person on it, or keep it to yourself. No need to create an environment of paranoia. It reminds me of more than a few "catty" offices Ive worked in before. Its not a pleasant environment.
    Yup, same here that is why I am here as well. I want to be told what I could be doing better too :smile: :smile:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'd say 13 lbs is 3 weeks is pretty darn good weight loss. I work at McDonalds and don't have time to make myself meals in the morning so I tend to eat there daily (try to eat the oatmeal though as its surprisingly healthy and then sometimes treat myself with a sandwich or ice cream on good days). I also never eat back my calories and have a hard time meeting 1200 since I can't snack at work, but I don't starve myself. I eat if I'm hungry and there are days I make better choices than others but its working for ME. If I ever see someone post like that, I'd report them.

    However, I am guilty of ENCOURAGING people to eat back their calories or at least meet the 1200 and to exercise. I know you need to feed your body and exercise just makes you feel GREAT. I don't chastise them for not doing those things though.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    That's actually part of why I don't make my food diary public. There's always someone out there who's going to find fault with what you're doing, no matter how good you are. I'm almost entirely vegetarian and eat very few processed foods (because, sadly, the chocolate I eat counts as "processed", but I'm not giving that up), but I could find several people in my own apartment complex, let alone this site, who would consider the way I eat absolutely disgusting.
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