Digestive Distress?

2stepz Posts: 814 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
The first two weeks on MFP, I felt great. I was breaking addictions - to soda, caffeine, and sugar. The last week I have been high on protein and fiber, moderate on fat, and low on carbs... because that's what has sounded good, honestly. However, the last couple days my appetite has been slacking, and my bowels seem backed up. I am drinking 64-100 ounces of water a day. Is there something I'm missing? Has something like this happened to anyone else?


  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    That's been happening to me, a bit, too, but I figured it was because I've been taking a lot of Advil, lately. I had some dental work done, and it's been decidedly unfun. I was boggled as to how I could fix it, because I already eat so many fruits and veggies, but I added dates to my lunches and that seemed to help. Candied ginger has helped me in the past, but most of that has so much sugar added.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I used to have digestive problems ALL the time. I wouldn't have a bowel movement for almost a week. So, I stopped eating meat & now I'm all good. Everything's regular. :happy:

    I'm not saying you need to give up all meat, but maybe cutting back might help?? It might be worth a shot.
  • mintin1
    mintin1 Posts: 4 Member
    Are you on any probiotic? They give you the good bacteria for the intestinal tract. This helps the intestines to work properly. That is my suggestion.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    ...I clocked 70g of fiber today, LoL. My only distress is making sure there are appropriate facilities because everyday is a good day for me...
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    I concur with the meat thing. I can not eat beef except maybe once every other month. Try switching to chicken or a fatty fish like salmon. A big thing about using lower fat meats is to season 'before' you cook with them. Also, if you really want to get things moving, throw some dried plums in the blender with frozen blueberries, a couple of oranges or clementines, and a little water. Put the citrus in first and blend it up to get a juice. Then throw the other stuff on top. The frozen berries will make it like a smoothie.
    Also I would recommend drinking some digestive tea. Go to the tea section and look on the boxes. There should be some that have a word or two about being made to help with your digestion. At least 2 cups, if not more, a day.
    Hope this helps.
  • kcollaloha
    kcollaloha Posts: 1
    Dairy was my issue - suffered for years and years. Stopped drinking and eating dairy and pipes worked for the first time in 25 years. That was 4 years ago.... How I dealt for so long I still wonder. I have never felt better. I should also mention I stopped eating meat too 13 years ago. For me and my health....this works. I wish you luck....not fun to be backed up. :-(
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    I pretty much eat chicken, turkey, or fish as it is. Once in a while I eat beef, but I have to cook it myself. Commercially prepared beef triggers my migraines. However, I get most of my protein from eggs, nuts, and greek yogurt. I think I might need to add "healthy" oils to my diets. Right now my healthy fats come from avocados, hummus, or laughing cow cheese.
  • suzyq2950
    suzyq2950 Posts: 2
    I take a yogert tdrink every day which keeps me regular have you tried that.
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