over my cals

littlelol Posts: 539
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Well today I have my an estimation for what I will be having tonight for lunch, tea and alcohol tnite as Im going out. I will be over my calories intake by around 376cals. I wanted to go to the gym to burn some of these calsoried off but Im not going to have time. Just wondered will this really effect my weight loss? xx


  • Caraella
    Caraella Posts: 8
    Good Question... which i dont have a definate answer for, but... they way i see it is that Fitness Pal gives you a set cal intake per day... which if you stick by you should loose weight...

    So in theory, as woman are allowed 2000 cals per day if you go over your allowance you will probably still be within the 2000 intake just wont loose any weight that day?

    Hope this makes sense, just what i think...
  • I believe you have to take in 3500 cals to gain 1 lb of fat..so no. You should be fine
  • Hi there.
    One day is fine! Everyones calorie intake fluctuates from day to day. Subconciously we make up for it the day after, because we don't feel as hungry. Just eat a few less calories for the rest of the week or work for maybe ten more minutes a day in the gym for the next few days. You'll be fine don't worry, and most of all, enjoy your night out!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I believe you have to take in 3500 cals to gain 1 lb of fat..so no. You should be fine

    This^^ so if you do the math, you may not lose about 1/10 of a pound you were on track to. Most likely you will either just lose less or you will maintain. If you are set to a deficit you are not likely to gain weight (but don't weigh yourself tomorrow morning- often restaurant/bar food is high in sodium and causes water weight gain and the food itself is often heavy and hard to digest, causing you to weigh a bit more).
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    376 calories is minor. Last saturday I stopped keeping track, but I ate 10 oreos with a glass of milk, 4 more beers than I anticipated, an ice cream cone, a half bag of chips and half container of chips along with over 1/2 of a frozen pizza (we were camping). Soooooo, if you add that up, I am sure I was about 1500-2000 calories over. All of that is in addition to my "carefully" planned out meals. I still lost 1.5lbs this week.

    It is actually good for you to go over sometimes. Read up on the zig zag theory of counting calories.
  • mom2lynn
    mom2lynn Posts: 4
    Some daily variation is actually a very good thing. Being over by 300-400 calories is not going to sabotage your weight loss. In fact, it might actually help you! I know it's counter-intuitive, but if you stick to your calorie goal every single day, it almost lulls your body into complacency. By mixing it up and varying your daily intake, it keeps it on its toes and helps keep your metabolism up. Keep up the good work!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You shouldn't be too bad. It kind of all averages out. Keep in mind though that if you have more sodium than you are used to you may retain more water, so don't panic if you see the scale go up a bit. Some people also see a loss after having a high calories day, it may actually help once in a while.

    Good luck.
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