Doing something wrong.



  • lizbeth436
    lizbeth436 Posts: 40 Member
    I heard the fish is really good for weight loss. Well the problem I have with that is that I'm highly allergic to fish and shellfish. I get bored of chicken and I know pork and beef are fattening. Do I just deal with the boring chicken?
  • previn84
    previn84 Posts: 48
    You may also want to make sure that the foods you look up on the database are correct in their nutrition facts. I've discovered many of them are not.
  • monky13grl
    monky13grl Posts: 55 Member
    I def agree that it is what you are eating. It is about both how many calories and WHAT calories you put into your body. As far as things getting boring, there are so many recipies, marinades, dry rubs, etc that work great for meats. As far as cravings, get sugar free or low fat options, but just have one. Or, you can try dark chocolate, but again, just one or two squares. Add veggies, they will fill you up. Aim for eating low cal things, but a lot of them (veggies, fruits, etc).
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Pork is actually pretty lean. The pork industry has done a lot of work to cut the fat out over the past decade or two and many cuts of pork today are as lean as skinless chicken. There are also lean cuts of beef out there; they are usually the cheapest cuts of beef, too because they are the least tender. Fish is good, but you shouldn't eat too much of it because of the mercury problem.

    Above and beyond everything else said here, a plateau is actually a good thing. I think of it as a sort of a reset. It means your body has become comfortable with your current weight and activity level. It's now your new "normal". Not a bad thing when you've lost nearly 30 pounds! You're going to plateau several times as you work towards your goal weight. Each time you do, it's time to take an assessment of what you're doing and make adjustments so you can move on to the next plateau:

    1. Cut your calories a little unless you're already at 1200-1300. You weigh less so now need less to feed your body. MFP should do this automatically for you if you re-do your goals with your new weight.
    2. Change your exercise plan. You're getting into better shape and you weigh less, so you're going to burn less calories with each workout. Add minutes and/or intensity. You may even need to change activities (walking to running, running to aerobics, add strength training, etc.)

    Good luck!
  • previn84
    previn84 Posts: 48
    I also noticed by your exercise diary that either you just started exercising this week, or you just started logging it this week. Just starting an exercise routine can build a little muscle... that may be where the extra weight is coming from.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I heard the fish is really good for weight loss. Well the problem I have with that is that I'm highly allergic to fish and shellfish. I get bored of chicken and I know pork and beef are fattening. Do I just deal with the boring chicken?

    We definitely don't want allergic reactions :-) Like one of the other posters said, you can eat pork and beef if you go for the lean cuts without much fat and cook it in a healthy way (broiling, baking, grilling, no bacon or ribs). If you have a lean burger, eat it without the bun. Also, look online for healthy chicken recipes and experiment to keep from getting bored. There are thousands of ways to cook chicken so no reason to get bored :-)
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    HI, I have a wicked sweet tooth and love junk food :happy: over the past few years i have been trying to find ways to curb this without feeling "denied" my craving. I started changing cookies and candy for fiber one granola bars, peanut butter or chocolate chip, for my treat at night. I try to eat only baked chips if I am feeling snacky! I have also started to have fruit, an apple ororange, after lunch/dinner it seems to calm down my need for dessert everyday. I grew up in a family that was apalled if there was no cake in the house!

    You have a long journey ahead of you, take it one meal at a time and try to make a good decision each meal. You will have slip ups I do, I have a bowl of peanut pretzals last night :blushing:

    I have gone from a size 22 4 years ago to a solid 10 and still shrinking! I know how hard it is. So really take it one day a t a time, one meal at a time, if you screw up at lunch dont get set in the mindset that the rest of the day is ruined. I used to do that then just binge the rest of the day. every healthy eating decision is a step in the right direction!

    Hope this gives you some motivation!