Running Question

kerri76 Posts: 45 Member
Is it ok to run everyday? Or 6 days a week? I am new to running but can run 3 miles without dying and have been running approx 3 miles everyday but someone told me it is bad to run everyday. Any opinions?


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    It really depends.
    Some people do fine running every day or almost everyday. Others need more days of rest.
    Listen to your body & if it tells you it needs a break, take one.
    If you are just doing easy 3 miles, you could probably get away with running nearly every day, but like I said, listen to your body.

    Many people will tell you that just running at all is bad, so of course running everyday would be worse. But some people run daily without any issues.
  • afyfe1999
    afyfe1999 Posts: 16
    My doc doesn't like me running daily, for fear of overuse injuries. So, when I am actually running, I only run 3-4 times a week and do cross training the other days I want to work out.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    listen to your body.
    if you're not feeling any pain i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with running every day. (i can, and i have....but....)
    the better question is, what are you hoping to gain by it?
    if your goal is weight loss, be very careful with doing the same thing everyday, our bodies love to settle into a rut.
    so if weight loss is your goal i would run 3-4 days a week, and on those days mix it up, do one run to improve distance, and 2 runs to improve speed (interval training is the best tactic for that). Then on your "off" days add in strength training. (strengthening your core will also improve your running)

    good luck!

    edit: one more thing: if you do decide to run everyday, make sure you take into account your total weekly mileage, and do not increase it by more than 10% each week.

    good luck again! :wink:
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    i agree with the others that said listen to your body. I would love to run everyday and i probably could if i only went a mile. My body can usually only handle every other day at most. Happy Running!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    listen to your body...if you feel good than great keep it up. But if you feel any unusual pains...lay off.

    It might be good to try and mix up your runs so you dont hit a running plateau. I currently do these work outs once a week:
    short run
    long run
    speed run or a tempo run
    trail run goes into how to do the speed/tempo runs and will provide you paces and distances based on your current abilities by the Smart Trainer tool on their website.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Is it ok to run everyday? Or 6 days a week? I am new to running but can run 3 miles without dying and have been running approx 3 miles everyday but someone told me it is bad to run everyday. Any opinions?

    If you are a new runner, it's better to have a rest day in between.

    It takes almost a year to develop the muscle, tendon and ligament strength and the bone density to handle the pounding that road running delivers to yoru body. So while you're building that up, it's generally advised that you take a rest day (from running-you can do other exercise) between running days so you don't get the overuse injuries common to new runners: stress fractures, shin splints, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, IT band problems, piriformis syndrome, etc.