How long before you saw results?

GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to this and everyone tells me , "You look fine, you don't need to diet." I was at one time 208lbs and got down to 135lbs, it took probably about two years. I moved to IL where I was able to be far more active. I moved back to SD and maintained a 140lbs pretty well. I started college again last fall and I'm back up to 160lbs. I walk my dogs everymorning, about a mile, and I know that is not active enough. A friend recommended this site and I'm doing about 1200 calories a day, but I don't really feel like I'm dieting all that much. I was just wondering, for those of you who have been here a while, how long it took you to see your results start?!?


  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    It took my about 4 weeks before noticing anything... I've heard it takes between 3-6 weeks if you're consistent with your diet and exercise
  • rubyrenga
    rubyrenga Posts: 402 Member
    Within 2 weeks, I lost 8 lbs. I am in a Biggest Loser contest, so maybe in some ways I have gone a little too quickly, but now at 3 weeks, I'm already fitting into clothes that haven't fit for a year!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    RCKT- WOW! :wink:
    RubyRenga good luck, friend just lost like 25lbs in 12 weeks. Keep it up!:happy:
    Thanks guys!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I hit goal weight and saw results in 2 months. I have now changed my goals so that I can get a 4 pack. If you stick to it and take the advice that people give you, its easy breezy!
  • I've had the same question because before I started tracking on this site (only been a member for 5days) my weight would vary by 10lbs throughout a month so I'm afraid of being discouraged because if I lose 10lbs I wont know if its my hard work or just my scale playing tricks on my mind. I'd like to hear from more people when they started noticing real weight loss- woman preferrably because it seems hormones/ water retention has a lot of play on our numbers.
  • I started 5 days ago and I've lost 5 pounds already. This I'm guessing is just water weight, but still; seeing results is motivating. I can already fit a bit better into my shorts which is a relief but I still have the dreaded ponch and I'm not toned at all. Let's both stay strong and keep with it because I'm sure with dedication, we'll both succeed! :)
  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    If you're 160 and your goal is 1200 -- then I think you're probably set at 2lb loss / week?? I would suggest decreasing that to 1lb loss / week and eat a bit more. For people who have more to lose 2 lbs is ok, but as you get closer to your goal weight (which you are) you need to eat more to lose. I started at 165 and am now 154 but did it at 1 lb / week and I have consistently loss 1 lb / week. I started losing the first week.

    Just my thoughts, everybody is different and you need to find out what works for you. Good Luck!!! Welcome to MFP!
  • ruenectar
    ruenectar Posts: 25
    If it's just weight goal "seeing", 1 week...and that is done by just changing your regular diet. If it's size, through dedication, you can begin to see within 2.

    I've done my adjustment to my eating habits, and begin my workouts this weekend :)
  • for me it was 70 pounds before anyone notice
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