Why does this happen?

ok, yes if you look at my dairy I have not kept it all logged in.

So my question is I have been on this journey for 1 1/2 yrs and in the last 3-4 months I have jumped between 2-4lbs and every time I have gone down in weight is after I eat things I should not. So for example, I eat great all week have my weigh in and stay the same weight, then I go to the movies have movie theater popcorn no butter and no salt and then 3 days later I am down 2 lbs, this has happened a lot. So I am thinking with all this weight loss and doing it for so long my leptin levels must be off. My trainer at the gym said this also, I have a hard time sleeping, and other signs of this but never really paid much attention to it. My trainer thinks a one day a week cheat day would be good just to stabilize levels. Anyone do this? I really think my body is just so used to this I need something else to do.


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I always include a "cheat meal" not a "Cheat day"... It replinishes your reserves of carbs etc... and the types of foods you cheat with also raise your serotonin levels (happy horomone). It could be that the stress of your body from the 'diet' is relieved from the 'cheat foods' which help in shedding weight... Nothing wrong with that!
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    This is what I was thinking also, I won't lie I eat the large tub of popcorn and yes I can tell you it is 1200 calories I don't do it all the time maybe once every 2 months but my weight always goes down after it and you would think it would go up. I think my body is trying to tell me something.