Different grocery shopping styles

So my boyfriend and I were grocery shopping together last night and we got into an argument. He likes to speed through the store to get done as fast as possible and I like to take my time to read labels and prices to make sure I'm getting the healthiest food for my money. I refuse to let him rush me because I need to watch my weight and stay in shape and that means watching my sugar intake and looking for new, better products and he refuses to have some patience to let me do that. Any ideas what we can do to appease both of us? I feel like even if he goes off to get our staples like whole wheat pasta he's still going to have to wait for me to finish when he's done and then I'm still going to feel rushed. Anyone else have this problem?


  • Roo1026
    Roo1026 Posts: 31 Member
    Go by yourself?? Works for me :wink:
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member
    Yep. I do all the grocery shopping. My husband has offered to do it but I know he doesn't read labels like I do and often gets the worng stuff. Even when I am specific with brands he often buys something else that he thinks is just as healthy (i.e. smart pasta as opposed to whole grain stuff).

    I just stay firm and say I'll do the shopping - on my own. It is harder since I have to take some of my free time to do all the shopping but I think it is worth it.
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    I agree go by yourself. I hate grocery shopping with my husband because we always come home with WAY more junk food!
  • syates83
    syates83 Posts: 87
    Definitely...leave him at home next time. He's as bad as my 6 year old. lol...Mom, when can we be done??? Haha.
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    my husband is the same way - I can only get what's on my list when he is with me - he gets crabby that I am slow and/or in the way of other people (even if they are the ones walking all willy nilly!)

    so - we now have a system - he drives me to the grocery store, brings a book and stays in the car until I'm done - works out great for the both of us! good luck!
  • serena22289
    serena22289 Posts: 36 Member
    Well unfortunatley I don't have a car right now so I can't go by myself and when we talked about doing our shopping seperately and him waiting in the car, he refused to do that too. I just moved to a new area so maybe there's a grocery store close to the train that I can take but I had kinda hoped that since we live and cook together, we'd grocery shop together... I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem though. We'll just have to talk about it some more and see what works best. Thank you for your suggestions! It's been a big help!
  • SarahARodgers
    SarahARodgers Posts: 6 Member
    I have a similar 'situation' with my husband, but he's grown used to humouring me, and will usually go and pick up a magazine or something to read while he waits for me to finish. His frustration comes from not ever really having to pay attention to his diet, and not really understanding the difference between the various macronutrients, because he's never really had the need to understand it - he eats when he's hungry, and that's it. If the scale goes up (as it does occasionally), he watches the junk intake for a few weeks, and problem solved. Myself, I gain a lot more easily then he does, and have a few food sensitivities and allergies that I need to pay attention to. What you might try doing, is shopping with a list, and even increasing your 'staple' items - things like fresh fruit and vegetables don't have 'nutrition labels' that require studying, at least at the store. You could also make a list of a variety of 'staple items' - all of which are acceptable, given whatever one is cheapest at that given time (ex: 2 or 3 types of whole wheat bread, as long as he picks one of them, whichever is cheapest). Doing that would be a larger time outlay at first, but might save you both time (and sanity) in the long run.

    I also echo the "go by yourself" sentiment, but that's not always possible.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Go by yourself?? Works for me :wink:
    THIS. Don't shop together. Maybe have him meet you to help with the bags, but ask him want things he wants and do the shopping by yourself.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Well unfortunatley I don't have a car right now so I can't go by myself and when we talked about doing our shopping seperately and him waiting in the car, he refused to do that too. I just moved to a new area so maybe there's a grocery store close to the train that I can take but I had kinda hoped that since we live and cook together, we'd grocery shop together... I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem though. We'll just have to talk about it some more and see what works best. Thank you for your suggestions! It's been a big help!

    Two carts. Let him shop for his stuff his way, you shop for your stuff your way.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Can you split up the shopping list so he does half - maybe he can do the "staples", the things that you always buy?

    Or maybe read labels before you go? Do some research online about things that you want to try - there should be nutritional information somewhere online. That way he's not standing there with arms folded and foot tapping, you've done your homework, and the process goes faster.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I rarely grocery shop with my husband-he hates and I hate when he has to go with me. I enjoy shopping alone then I can take my time and get what is needed in the house-this also works since I do all the cooking too!