Really Struggling - What's it going to take?



  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    I think that the responses this has got in the few minutes since it was posted is some indication of how supportive this community is :)

    Add a few friends and take a few small steps in the right direction. Logging your food is a huge part of awareness, and just knowing what you're putting in your body can help to set you on the right track. Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some support and feedback.

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There are other people here who have been in the same position as you. Have a look through the success stories. There are some incredible people here and you can be one too.

    Coming on here is a great first step. Start logging what you eat, seeing it all out in front of you can help. And hard as it is right now, start walking. Just around the house if you need to at first, but walk, walk, walk. It really does help.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    I have found that it REALLY helps talking to people on here, having friends on here to encourage you etc.

    This is the only way I have lost weight so far. If I get hungry on a diet, then I give up. I am progressively losing weight on this website, and when I have down days, I come on here and post a topic, and all the people here help me through SO much. I havent stopped eating certain things - if I want a little bit of chocolate, then I have it, but I log it. If I go over my calorie allowance, I dont hate myself, but just try again the next day.

    I would suggest setting yourself little goals - having a big weight loss to achieve is just so daunting. If you set yourself goals of say 10lb a go, and head for 50lb loss at first, then you will achieve these goals, and feel GREAT when you do. Then start on the next 50. Little steps at first, but you WILL achieve them.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm always here for encouragement, but I may need a little boost sometimes too if you can help me through also!

    Best of luck :smile:
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    Being here is the first step. You can do it, there are so many wonderful people on here that will support you and just getting on the message boards has been a huge help to me. Start small and keep adding new haelthy habits as you get used to the ones you have started. When you are ready to start with exercise, just do what you can, and you will be suprised at how fast your body adjusts and wants to do more.
    If you need support friends, feel free to add me!
    Good Luck on your journey!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Angela, the great thing is you started on here. Everyone is soo encouraging and motivating. True, I can not say I know how it is to be in your shoes, but I can say I know what it is like to not like yourself and be so discouraged and depressed. If losing ten pounds is too daunting, take it hour by hour. There are times I have to talk to myself "you are not hungry, do NOT get up and snack",etc. I get discouraged when I see everyone else making great progress. Hey, I gained this week!
    It is a struggle. When I get down, I jump on here and read about other ideas and see how others are dealing with this. I applaud you for not going with the surgery. I have friends who have had it and see how they struggle with what they can eat/ulcers/stomach pain/etc. Just do what you can, when you can.
    Feel free to friend me and I will give you all I have to support you. We are all in this together....whether it be five pounds or several. Bottom line is we are not happy where we are right now and want to change. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • vic72
    vic72 Posts: 84 Member
    Me too Angela. No expert but happy to give you support. It's a great site for friends and support and i wish I had started posting earlier. Use the community they are there to help you & log your food, no matter what. Good luck on your journey. Friend request sent xx
  • xAngelinaBallerinax
    xAngelinaBallerinax Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, I have goosebumps reading all these replies!
    I agree with everything said here - start slow, track everything, and know that it will take time. I think I have to be more patient too, and enjoy the little things as they happen when I start being able to do things again, instead of constantly looking towards "when I'm thin..."

    Thank you everyone, it feels good to know so many people out there care xxxx
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    You have to make that spark! you know you want this. You are WORTH the effort and time it will take to make yourself happy. It can totally be done. Go look at the success stories and pics on here. Those are my daily motivation.

    this post is from a friend (real life friend) of mine. She started at 482...she has now lost 123 pounds! she was my inspiration to start on my weight loss journey. Check out her story!

    You can do it!!!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    You can do this, this site is amazing and will help you every step of the way.
    The antidepressants you have been taking for a year? How quick did that year go?
    Give this site a year :smile: I cant wait to see some of your after pics !
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    You have a long journey in front of you, but please don't put off starting it like I did. I am now 43 and it is so much harder to take the weight off. But I decided in March that I have to do this. In April I found MFP and now I am watching the pounds melt off!

    There was a news article about a year ago about a young woman here in the UK who was very heavy, she was so embarrassed by her size that she wouldn't leave her home. She knew she had to do something so she started walking down her street at night so no one would see her. It was the jumpstart her body needed. She changed her whole life around.

    As someone else said, read success stories, I do at leave once a day. It motivated me enough to take photos of myself in unflattering form, but I want to post pictures one day and I know that my after picture is going to blow my before picture out of the water! You WILL do this and we will all be here to cheer you on. Good luck! And remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Angela, You are already on the right track, Because by beginning to define what your issues are you can start to tackle them. Losing weight can be a very daunting task, but this site is proof that is can be done. The people on here are nothing short of amazing and I truly call this site the secret to my sucess.

    Take things one day at a time. Take a look at how you eat and beginning tracking your food using the MFP. Focus on small goals and take it off slowly. That is really best in the long run. When you get discouraged come here for support. These folks will get your right back on track! As for excercise, check out the Leslie Samson (sp?) walking tapes. They are great low impact workouts that do work. I just love her. And you can walk 3 miles in your home...that is just short of a 5K. Pretty good.

    I wish all the best of luck and like I said you are on the right track just by coming here!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Hi and yes we do care there are 1000"s of us in your corner as we are in every one elses corner. It is a slow process it takes time to get over the cravings to a time when you don't want your problem food Mine are skinny cow Ice Cream Sandwiches there better than others but I can not stop at one also dried fruit is another problem so good but I will eat the bag. So when you shop just dont buy a few of your problem foods then eliminate others as you go. Also look at other peoples diary's some are open to the public to get ideas and brands the others eat. You may fried me if you would Best Wishes on your journey Joy
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Hi! I feel your pain completely. I was in your shoes myself a few years back. I was about your weight and I joined Weight Watchers. I lost about 40 pounds in a year but when I quit the weight came back with extra pounds. I did decided to have gastric bypass. It was an extremely hard decision that took 2-3 years to make. It is not an easy decision at all. I chose it because I was diagnosed with diabetes and that was my last straw. Please dont let it be yours. You can lose weight without surgery. It won't always be easy but you can do it. You just have to decide you are worth the trouble and dont let anyone or anything stand in your way. The first time I did Weight Watchers I lost 100 pounds. What helped me then was a cheat day. If I ate within my points 6 days a week, I could eat whatever I wanted the 7th. Just the ability to have it made it no longer taboo and less tempting. Just an idea. I have lots more I could add here... lol. You can do this, you have already made the first step and the first step is the hardest. :)
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Wow. The only reason I'm responding is because I take alot of Medication. I can't begin to say I understand. But my hospitilazations and medication have caused me to gain my weight. I know how discouraging that part can be. The good thing is you posted this message and I know there will be tons of people to support you.

    All I can say is I am a praying woman and I will pray that God will ignite the fire in your heart that you need to take this journey all the way to the end.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member

    Welcome to MFP, this really is a great place.

    While I'm more than twice your age I can understand other aspects of what you're facing. I started a couple weeks ago at 410, and live with both depression and anxiety.

    If you can get a handle on your weight now and get it down, you'll have a much easier life than if you do as I did and simply accepted that I was fat. There's this whole big beautiful world out there and you deserve to experience as much of it as possible.

    What people have said about taking the first step is right. Just stepping up and speaking up is a fantastic decision. Now you need to decide what next step to take.

    If you're like me, you'll need to take small steps, and it you try to compare them to other people's accomplishments you may feel you're not doing enough, or well enough. That will be bunk. We each take this journey at our own pace, and small, sometimes tiny, steps are necessary for some of us to lay a solid foundation to build on.

    Good luck, you can do this. And if I can at all help, please feel free to friend me.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    So many great responses here, I love this community!!
    Angelina, you asked what is it going to take? Well I think you already have what it takes, now you have to allow yourself to do it!!
    You have that little spark inside you that wants to change, you have the tools in your hands right here on MFP, and you can see that we are all with you for the journey.

    Now, don't stop to wonder any more if you can do it, that makes it too hard.

    Just start. Start by logging everything you eat for a week.
    You don't have to analyse it at this point, just log it.
    Then next week have a look and pick one thing to change. Maybe decide to have a healthy breakfast. Do that for a week. Then replace some snacks with a healthier option.
    This way you are only working on one thing at a time and you can celebrate a victory every day!

    Can you walk for 5 minutes? It can be around the house, or marching in place. Do that once. Then do it again later. Gradually increase the time as you are able. Build this into your day, so you get the habit of exercising.

    These small changes will feed that spark inside you and will be the first steps on your journey to finding the healthier you inside!

    Good luck.