Implants and Chest Exercies

kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, so I'm sure I shouldn't worry about this and I'm sure I'll get criticized by some because I have breast implants (although I don't care), but do any other women have breast implants and worry about doing chest exercises? I don't want my chest to look weird like a lot of fitness competitors. When I do bench press and push ups my chest muscles flex a lot and makes my implants move under the muscle and it looks reallllllly weird. lol
It's been almost a year since I got them so I know I'm totally healed, but it just still seems strange.


  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    Sorry hope you take it better then the last person did, I'm a guy, and I'm a pig what can I say. :smile:
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    LOL. It's hard to offend me. Although, that's not the kind of response I'm looking for...I'm truly looking for a women's honest answer.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I've had implants for 3 years now and I do chest exercises. I don't worry at all. Maybe I should.

    ETA: I have silicone implants under the muscle, and I went kind of small (330) and bra size is a small C. Maybe that's why mine don't move around at all. LOL
  • ook..heres my educated OPPINION about women and muscle building...women lack testosterone(thank god) so therefore building large amounts of muscle without excellent genetics or "supplements" is not a concern at all..look at fitness models ava cowen,Jamie Eason,Jillian Micheals..They Move EXTRAORDINARY amounts of weight..and have small(yet very toned ) muscles...
    my advice to you is focus on form and preventing injury,and less on the worry of building a "washboard cheast" as TOSH.0 so eloquently put it:)
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I've got them - have had them for 19 years now - no real problems, either. Although I don't lift anymore, and lean more towards circuit training, I did spend a lot of time in my 20's and 30's doing so. I've never had a problem with them looking weird or anything, but I think if I were to lose a lot of body fat AND start lifting heavy, they would start looking weird. Like a couple of boulders on a stick - and they aren't big or anything.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Ok now for a more on topic response. I don’t know what your goals are, but you look great now, so if, you’re just trying to build some more strength or a little more size I wouldn’t worry about it, like said above it’s damn hard for a women to get “big”. And if you are still worried about it, just don’t work your chest as much, just do maintenance weight on your chest.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I was told to be very careful with chest exercises, especially if you have saline. I have 500CC cohesive gel silicon under the muscle. Have had them for over two years now, and I can still feel the muscles pulling and it sometimes hurts.

    I will do some chest exercises, but I also am very careful not to do too many. I have nice arms, back, etc from riding, so I am not too worried about working the chest muscles. I paid a lot of money for these, I consider them an investment and I'm not going to do anything that might compromise them.

    This advice was from my surgeon, as well, and I trust her. :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I was told to be very careful with chest exercises, especially if you have saline. I have 500CC cohesive gel silicon under the muscle. Have had them for over two years now, and I can still feel the muscles pulling and it sometimes hurts.

    I will do some chest exercises, but I also am very careful not to do too many. I have nice arms, back, etc from riding, so I am not too worried about working the chest muscles. I paid a lot of money for these, I consider them an investment and I'm not going to do anything that might compromise them.

    This advice was from my surgeon, as well, and I trust her. :)

    This is more along the lines of the response I was looking for. I know I won't bulk up in the chest. That's not my concern. I'm more worried about compressing the implant too much when working chest. I got 425cc saline under the muscle. I also consider them an investment. Haha! I don't feel muscles pulling or anything though. Did you do your stretches and stuff after getting them? I think that helped me a lot.
    I'm trying not to work chest as much. I usually throw in a 1-2 chest exercises when I do back and shoulders once a week.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    ook..heres my educated OPPINION about women and muscle building...women lack testosterone(thank god) so therefore building large amounts of muscle without excellent genetics or "supplements" is not a concern at all..look at fitness models ava cowen,Jamie Eason,Jillian Micheals..They Move EXTRAORDINARY amounts of weight..and have small(yet very toned ) muscles...
    my advice to you is focus on form and preventing injury,and less on the worry of building a "washboard cheast" as TOSH.0 so eloquently put it:)

    Ahhh....Daniel Tosh, such a brilliant man. ;) Gotta say I DO love him though!
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