any tips on how to eat more?

Im only eating about 1,200 calories a day, I work out for about 2 hours a day so i clearly need to be eating more but i feel so full/gross/bloated and Its only noon time and im only at 1,000 calories! any ideas on how to up my fat/calorie intake without feeling so darn full?


  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    I cant see your diary to give you suggestions. I know that I have a hard time eating veggies. Dont get me wrong-i LOVE THEM. However they would bloat me terribly and make me feel awful when I ate them for lunch. So now, I eat all my veggies at I dont really mind if I feel full or bloated and gassy lol.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Maybe break it up into smaller meals throughout the day and eat more nutritionally dense food? If your target is 2000 calories, for example, you could break that into three meals at 4-500 apiece and have three snacks for 150-200. If you truly feel full, drink some of the calories, provided it's healthy stuff (Silk coconut milk has 90 calories and 45% of daily calcium, as an example).
  • ruenectar
    ruenectar Posts: 25
    Without seeing your food diary, it's hard to tell...but why not add in some healthy Whole or low fat Milk? You dont have to eat the callories, just get them. The calcium is awesome for body all around and the fat contect is good fat.
  • RyvreTam
    RyvreTam Posts: 45 Member
    I would also like calorie dense healthy food suggestions. I am/was at a plateau so I looked up a staggering plan. It has me eating a lot more calories than I was, and now I have a hard time getting them up there. I don't eat as many veggies as I should because I don't like them raw, and when dinner comes they don't have enough calories to reach my goal, so I try to eat something with more. I end up eating a lot of empty calories, I know, but I know for it to work I have to do ALL my calories.

    Sorry if I'm hijacking your thread.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I would also like calorie dense healthy food suggestions. I am/was at a plateau so I looked up a staggering plan. It has me eating a lot more calories than I was, and now I have a hard time getting them up there. I don't eat as many veggies as I should because I don't like them raw, and when dinner comes they don't have enough calories to reach my goal, so I try to eat something with more. I end up eating a lot of empty calories, I know, but I know for it to work I have to do ALL my calories.

    Avocado is great to add to sandwiches or salads, nuts like almonds or walnuts can be added to cereal or salads or just as a snack with fruit. String cheese or greek yogurt are good calcium options. I love my Orchard Bars which are pretty healthy (and vegan if that matters to you), and my go-to need to fill in calories evening snack is a half ABJ on whole wheat bread (Almond Butter and Jelly).