New here!

kris0812 Posts: 65 Member
Hello! My name is Kristy! I had my 2nd baby via c section 10 weeks ago, and need help losing my baby weight!! I've done good so far, but I know I should be tracking what I eat! I love to exercise! I was in the best shape of my life prior to getting pregnant with #2. About 15 weeks into my pregnancy, there were some complications, and I could no longer exercise during the rest of my pregnancy. I was totally bummed, but so thankful the baby was ok!!

So, Hi everyone! :o)


  • Cynthia239
    Cynthia239 Posts: 5
    Hi Kristy! I am also new here. I have 3 kids and my oldest is 9 and youngest is 7 years old - I am STILL trying to lose the baby fat!! I am so excited to get started!! I just downloaded the My Fitness App on my droid and have already started updating!!

    Congrats on your new baby and Welcome to you!!!