Time for my life to begin

lunarchaos Posts: 14 Member
Hey everyone. I decided last week that I was done accepting myself as I was and decided to become who I wanted. I started working out then read it's good to record your progress so I found an app on my phone called MyFitnessPal, so here I am. I guessed at my initial weight to be 250. I don't own a scale (yet) but when I had a chance to weigh myself today I wasn't far off at 252. Today marks the first full week I've stuck to my new way of life so it could have been slightly higher. Anyhoo I don't really have a goal weight but I think around 120 sounds good since I'm shorter to begin with. For now I'm just looking to lose 20 and go from there.

I want to for this for me of course. I want to look in the mirror and see my smile shine. But I also have another motivator as well, the most amazing, beautiful girlfriend in the world who loves me for who I am. She makes me want to be a better me for both of us. We've been together almost 9 months but I got tired of making excuses and wanted to start making results.

So for a week I've been getting up an hour early to walk on the treadmill before work. That hour yields me a little over 2 miles. I decided to try to subway diet thing until I get to a healthier weight with fruit for breakfast and a glass of milk to go with my sandwich for dinner. Since it's only been a week I still have yet to see results but I feel much better. Like a skinny dude in a sumo suit. I'm looking forward to doing this with all of you though and looking forward to the rest of my life as well.


  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Welcome! :)
    I just joined today as well, and I think one of the hardest steps is to actually make the commitment to change your lifestyle, relationship with food, and bad eating habits. So, by making that first step--you're halfway home! :)

    Congrats, and good luck in your journey.

  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Any of you can feel free to add me, particularly if you are likely to log in every day. I stay current on MFP and try to provide support where I can.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Go to tools and the BMI calculator will tell you a good average goal weight for your height. 120pounds for a guy seems low, but it all depends on height, u r right.

    Subway is great and all, and i have it occasionally, but the sodium level is pretty high, so be careful. Im now able to order with no cheese or mayo and extra veggies, etc to make it as healthy as possible, but for a 6" its like 700mg of sodium when your only allowed 2500 a day so its a bummer.

    Word of advice: Every scale is different. I was using my bosses scale then got my own, and hers was 4pounds heavier than mine was; so be careful when you switch to your own. (I weighed myself on my new scale, then immediately after without eating anything weighed myself on her's, so that i could figure out the difference and accuretly accomidate for the difference (so that it wouldnt tell everyone I lost 4 pounds when in reality I only switched scales).