Hellow my name is Lee

I hope I find friends here to support each other out to be healthy.
Can't wait to start my new life again lol. I'm 21yrs old through out my life I been struggling in weight.
I lose, I gain , I lose and I again:(....I have try this website few yrs ago. It's so helpful:) Add me:)


  • Kirk_D
    Kirk_D Posts: 85
    Welcome to MFP and I hope you meet your goals!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    Hello Lee. Welcome aboard! You will love this website. MFP friends are so supportive and helpful. Best of luck on your weight loss journey.
  • cjs3001
    cjs3001 Posts: 273 Member
    Hello and welcome! Fellow 21 year old weight yo-yoer here! Hope everything goes brilliantly for you :)
  • rsiano92
    rsiano92 Posts: 25
    Hey, welcome back! Good luck and you can sure find a lot of supportive friends on this site.