The first 20 Pounds fell off, now its getting toughter!

I have been reading my friends say the first 20 to 30 pounds fell of, but now every pound is a struggle.

Here is some suggestions to maintain healthy weight loss.
I would like to know your suggestions.

Change the routine! There is no question we plateau after the initial shock weight loss. It is time for a new shock to the system. If you have been doing a consitent activity, try something new, like a week of zumba classes. This shock will cause your body to begin to shed the fat again. The return to your routine will cause another shock, and the pounds will continue to shed. Keep changing up food as well. Try alternating days between vegan days and high protien low carb days. Keep your foods healty, not sparce. A unhealthy low calorie day or worse week, can cause fat storage to start and rob your muscle and bone mass. If you love going to the gym, try the Stairmaster Step Mill. Killer 30 minutes! If your gym doesnt have one, ask them to get a few. Another great fat burner is medicine ball workouts.

The best suggestion I can make is, get outside and walk, run, hike, play a sport, swim, snorkel, surf, DANCE!!! Whatever you find fun, DO IT! Then the scale and the tape measure will no longer be the your measure of success. Instead, it will be your performance.

Please provide your suggestions, as I can use just as much support as everyone else.


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I definitely need to work on eating different things, but I am so dang picky about food... I hate trying new stuff. I like what I like. I know I would benefit from eating different stuff, I just can't bring myself to do it. lol.

    I do, however, change up my gym routine and I add in a day of Tae Bo -- just to confuse the ole body.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thank you for this. I have to say the first 15 for me came off pretty fast, with effort of course...but now that effort is not working as well. I finally found an exercise I love doing and now that exercise is not doing it for me...bummer. A shock to the system is now needed...true words!
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    I agree with all of the above but would like to add that you really need to add in some weights. This helps you improve your muscle tone and gives you overall better shape.Added to the better physique is the extra strength you attain from weight training and your endurance levels goes even higher when you are doing cardio.
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    oh yes forgot to add that your Metabolism improves as well coz you have more Muscle as compared to fat
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    These are all very good points. Different ones will work better for some than others. I have slowed down this week but I can feel my body getting harder under the fat so I know there is a lot going on. I wish I had done measurements when I started but I didn't. Folks should do this as well as the scale as there will be times you don't lose or even gain but your measurements will show continued improvements!

    I am waiting for an Elliptical to be delivered so I can continue shaking up my workout. I have severe arthritis and have difficulty with some weight bearing routines.
  • bobbyandthekid
    Mahalo for all the great comments!

    Weight training is a definate plus! I prefer tha medicine ball for strength training as weights require so much protien for rebuild.
    But if you love the weights, That's Great!

    Eliptical trainers are excellent Very low impact cardio machines. I hope you tried yours before purchase as they all are different.
    I prefer ones with a smooth climb, and others prefer bouncy or striding movements.

    12 hours down here at work, Time to get outside before I miss that sunset!

    Much Aloha
  • yankeefamily05
    First suggestion is to switch up your workout like someone else said. The first 20 seems to be the easiest for myself. Once I hit a certain point, the only thing that works for me is to eat over my calories a few times a week. It tricks my body i swear! May work for you!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    . If you love going to the gym, try the Stairmaster Step Mill. Killer 30 minutes!

    Oh my gosh, I was getting bored of my same machine so I tried this and let me tell you - it's literally a killer, but in a good way. You feel so accomplished when you get off, because it tells you how many flights of stairs you climbed! My sister came up to me the other day when i was on it and said "it's looks like you're dying!"
    Highly recommended if you're looking for something new!
  • bobbyandthekid
    Congrats on using the step mill. Keep up your hard work!