Logging Everything



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm a SAHM so my activity level is sedentary. I log house cleaning/yard work that makes me break a sweat or my heart pump, especially if I'm doing a lot of bending or lifting.

    If you are an active SAHM, you should not have your activity level set to sedentary - especially if you are chasing little kids around all day. Then you wouldn't have to log cleaning. SAHM moms are generally more active than the average working adult. The only SAHM who should set her activity level to sedentary is the TV-watching, bon bon eating kind! (which you are NOT!) :laugh:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I only log things which raise my heart rate or make me sweat. Gardening (depends on how strenuous; shoveling = yes for sure; weeding = maybe depends on how much), cleaning (depends on how much, how long and how hard I'm working), etc.
  • kmalex
    kmalex Posts: 39 Member
    I log things that are above and beyond. For instace, I would not log cleaning the kitchen (dishes, stove, counters, etc...), but I would log pulling the fridge and stove out and then crawling on my hands and knees to scrub the floors clean around and under them. The former is normal activity, the latter is heavy lifting and hard work that will raise my heart rate and labor my breathing. And I would log it for whatever amount time was "stressful" on my body. :)

    P.S. I am listed as lightly active in MFP.
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I only log exercise that I set out to do on purpose...like the elliptical or an exercise DVD. I do not consider cleaning to be exercise (for me) because it is part of my daily routine and should fall into my activity level on my settings. I also see people logging walking while at work or other work related exercise and I think that is supposed to go with your activity level as well. Only my opinion - so no hate mail, lol!! :laugh:
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I generally try to follow the rule "If I did it before and still gained weight, then it doesn't count" I don't usually log cleaning, because I have always done that. However I have also been painting my house and I logged that under 'cleaning' because it is not something that I do on a regular basis (but I only put in about 1/2 the time I actually spent doing it).

    My activity level is sedentary, but I assume that that includes doing the dishes, laundry, vacuuming. But I don't think it includes things like painting.
  • newsarahd
    newsarahd Posts: 15
    I log running,walks,bike rides, things that are out of my normal routine. Cleaning the house is in my normal routine. Therefore I dont think it should count. I think people are logging housework to get extra food calories. It's only going to hurt them in the end when it takes them longer to make their goal. It will be a sad weigh in day.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    I log food mostly and exercise only for amusment. I don't eat more because of exercise.