Got tons of calories to eat, but not hungry to eat them!



  • SpecialKwest
    SpecialKwest Posts: 18 Member

    Start your day according to when you wake and go to bed, not the clock on the wall. A good rule of thumb is to eat your first meal within an hour of waking and try to eat every 2-3 hours, So if you get up at 10a, breakfast is no later than 11. A mid morning snack could be a piece of string cheese. This is also a good signal to drink water. Lunch is 2- 3 hours later. 2nd snack could be a piece of fruit., then dinner. Just try not to eat after 9pm

    Thanks so much for your advice, I really appreciate it. And the tip of opening up my food diary, that's probably going to help more and get better feedback for me. I had no idea you could make it public.

    Similarly I'd like to thank whoever suggested I eat before working out, (can't find your name while I write this) but I don't really like doing that, as it makes me sick. Perhaps protein shakes/peanut butter fruit smoothies might help?
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    This is not by any means advice. I have a hard time hitting 1200 calories alot of the time during the week, so on the weekends I often will not log and not concern myself with calories. It hasn't seemed to stall my progress. I have weeks where I lose nothing, but thats pretty normal for anyone.