new here, to lose the rest

robbie1958 Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi i am a 52 year old male. I have always been a big man. up until 3 years ago i smoked 40-60 cigarettes a day, so decided to quit. I was so worried about piling on weight bu decided i could always lose whatever i put on, at least i would be free of smoking. well i did put on weight...5 stone to be precise. Over the last two years i have been in the gym at least 5 days per week burning off at least 1000 calories each session, plus i have turned into a cycling addict and cycle at least 2 times per week averaging 40 miles per ride................Yet i am still overweight. the first 4 stone dropped off me, but at 16 stone 7 pounds i am still at least two stone more than i want to be.

This last two stone has been a nightmare.. i no longer eat mac donalds, fish and chips, fried foods or anything really unhealthy. my problem is that i now eat too much of the right foods. Instead of having a few crackers and some humous, i will eat the whole tub of humous, Bread is still my one big weakness, so i am not sure how i am going to get on with this website, but i think support from the members here will keep me on track to shed the remaining weight.

Sorry to make my "i'm new here" entry to the forum so long, but i guess for me it's like AA i want to tell people how it is, as a way of admitting that i have a problem with food. will i ever get out of the habit of wanting to eat the biggest portion, or to have to feel really full beofre enough is enough.

Thanks for listening



  • heatherseona
    heatherseona Posts: 49 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!! Start using the tools on MFP and making friends. They are the real inspiration.

    Friend me if you would like.

  • pbolton16
    pbolton16 Posts: 87
    Thanks for sharing Robbie and for someone in AA I can tell you that saying that you have a problem/ admitting it to others is your first step to freedom. In turn when you overcome this ( and you will) you can help others on here and around you that might struggle with the same thing you do. Use MFP everyday and I think we can all do this together.
    Don't give in brother and do this thing day by day.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Robbie: Welcome. You will enjoy this site and you will do well. There is lots of motivation and support out here. Good luck on your journey. Friend me if you like.
  • annadilynn
    annadilynn Posts: 84
    i eat my Kashi cereal in the morning and other than here or there thats it for the grains for rice, pasta or bread....
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    From one Robbie to another, Welcome! You'll find a lot of support, a lot of useful tools, and a lot of ideas here -- I'm sure you'll be able to get those last pounds off. The critical thing is that it sounds like you're living a very healthy lifestyle, so that's fantastic. (I bow in awe to your ability to knock off 1000 calories at each workout session -- I would love to get to that level someday...)

    Take care, and please feel free to friend me if you like!

  • robbie1958
    robbie1958 Posts: 4
    Thank you so much for the welcome folks. it's nice to be part of something where everyone has similar goals.

    I know that the biggest battle for me is changing my relationship with food. I so envy people who can eat to live, a long way off from my ethos which seems to be feast today, famine tomorrow.

    Once again thanks.

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