Misbehaving Mums to Be

julia23 Posts: 87
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Just been watching this on BBC iPlayer, and a 19 year old girl thought smoking was good for her baby because it was teaching it's heart to work more...Then she had a breathalyzer and showed that her baby was in extremely dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. So what did she do ? Carry on smoking!

I am a smoker so i'm not going to be all high and mighty but my sister is trying to get pregnant and has said a thousand times she'll quit and shrugs off the dangers but i worry she'll smoke when she does get pregnant.
Moan over haha! Any women on here smoke whilst pregnant and did you have complications ?


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    This could get nasty real quick like. I wouldn't DARE put my child in that kind of danger.. It's sickening to me.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I think smoking while pregnant is one of the most disgusting things a woman can do. Then again, my mother used to work at a hospital in Labor/Delivery, and she dealt with crack/meth babies all the time :noway:
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I have only been a smoker for 4 years... with that said, I have had 3 pregnancies with the last one being twins... So when I got pregnant with my twins (the only pregnancy in which I was a smoker) I found it really hard to quit smoking... at the time I had so much stress, I really needed something lol... I know that's just an excuse. Sadly I wasn't able to quit smoking during my pregnancy with my twins, and I am still a smoker to this day. I didn't have any complications with the pregnancy at all... and my babies came out healthy! They are now 21 months old and have only been sick maybe twice in their life, a small cough with the season... and pink eye, if you can call that sick lol.... they've never had an ear infection or anything. I'm not saying that me smoking all that time stopped the sickness by any means. My older 2 kids have had a couple ear infections each while they were young... and I'm very surprised at how healthy my twins are!

    Good luck on this, I know, and knew I shouldn't have smoked while pregnant, but what can I say. My sister also smoked during both of her pregnancies and her babies, now big kids are fine!
  • SassieSarah
    SassieSarah Posts: 26

    Got pregnant at 23 with my first girl, and yes I was a smoker, and I most definently quit the day I found out.

    When someone smokes while pregnant, the oxygen through the umbilicalcord is compromized (watched on TV, ridicolous), and smoking and drinking in the 13 week can damage the development of the organs....

    A lot of good reasons for not smoking while pregnant.... Or just imagine if something goes wrong will she be able to forgive herself?
  • smileybsa83
    smileybsa83 Posts: 16
    I quit the day I found out I was pregnant. It was relatively easy with a simple image in my head.

    Would I light up a smoke for my newborn? Put it in his mouth? Of course not...anyone would say that doing so would be a disgusting show of child abuse. So why would doing so when he is in utero be any different?

    Of course, some babies born to smoking come out healthy. The question every smoking pregnant woman has to ask herself is, "Is it worth the risk?" For some women, sadly, it is. For me, the risk of asthma, low birth weight, etc. was just not worth it.
  • Gretchen27
    Gretchen27 Posts: 82 Member
    Every mother that smoked that I know of while child was developing had either an early delivery by up to 3 weeks or baby had trouble breathing once delivered. I was a smoker but once I found out that I was carrying I quit, I picked up a cigarette when I was over due and stressed but quickly put it out when it made me sick, not the fact that it was harmful to my unborn child:( I have noticed the children of most, not all, mothers that smoked while pregnant and still smoking or quit seem to be sick more often than children who are not in a smoking environment or exposed to smoking while a fetus.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    My mother smoked during her pregnancy with me. I had so many colds and ear infections growing up. My eardrums are completely scarred from all the painful ear infections I had and every time I see a new doctor, they absolutely cannot believe how scarred up I am. That can be attributed to my mother's smoking. That's not even the worst that can happen. It's horrible to make your child pay for your poor decisions.
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