explain this to me

I'm new to MFP and am just getting in the routine. I'm 5'8" and I weigh about 171. Anyways, I only feel like I have about 10-15lbs to lose to make me happy. I've been close to this size since high school, and I've only fluctuated between 168-173lbs for the last 10 years. No matter WHAT I seem to be doing in my life (i.e., lots of exercise, fit, etc. or no exercise terrible diet) I seem to stick within those ranges.

So, my question is: Why is it that I can eat and drink and only gain 1-2lbs, but when I'm trying to eat healthy and exercise it's excruciatingly slow to lose?!? Does my body have a "happy weight" of 168 that it will always want to return to??


  • babs23
    babs23 Posts: 86
    Listen to 2 podcasts by Jillian Michaels for some great info:


    First, listen to #3 - "Debunking the Plateau"
    Second, listen to #1 - "Jillian Talks Salt"

    I'll tell you one thing, joining MFP was a great step! When I started tracking my food, I was surprised to see how many calories and how much sodium I was consuming.

    Good luck!
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    It's all a function of how many calories going in, how many calories your body needs to maintain the current weight and how many calories you burn through exercise.

    You may be overeating 3000-5000 calories per week when you gain 1-2 pounds per week, but you may not be dieting the same 3000-5000 calories less than your bodie needs to lose the 1-2 lbs per week. Also, as you lose weight, your body requires fewer calrories to maintain a smaller weight,