You don't have to go No-Carb to burn fat

Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
I know they are getting really popular again, and while I agree that carbs should be limited, I don't like excluding entire food groups from a diet plan.
In losing 130lbs, I ate plenty of carbs, about 40% of my daily intake on average was from carbs. Eating carbs on my plan made my workouts far more effective and I was able to build muscle and get stronger while losing weight.

*When you take away whole food groups, you're going to eat less then you did before. This is why you lose weight on Atkins and other *No-carb plans, you eat less calories. Just like any other diet.
*Do you plan on eliminating carbs forever? Because if you want to keep the weight off for good, your diet needs to be your lifestyle.
*Carbs are outstanding for physical performance, and if building muscle is a key to long-term weight loss
*For weight-loss and muscle building, it is best to have carbs later in the day; after-workouts, dinner and before bed.
*Carbs definitely limit fat-oxidation and fat loss when you have them early in the day. So have them in the evening.
*For weight-loss Carbs are best used as a tool for glycogen storage and not as immediate energy.. I want my body burning stored energy; ie, body-fat and glycogen and carbs.

Carbs are not as evil as some say they are, if they were I would not have transformed my body the way I did.


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    Agreed! Entire food groups are not demons.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I agree with what your saying but I disagree about people lose weight cutting out carbs because you are "eating less". I have been on a low carb diet and even though I don't think they are healthy I ate probably twice as many calories than a low calorie diet. When you cut out those carbs they are being replaced by other sources like more protein. And proteins can be very high in calories. But I do agree about not cutting out a food group. Except maybe processed sugars!:smile:
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    I'm low carbing it. I just make sure I get plenty of green leafy veggies in my diet each day and also a ton of water. No fried foods, no cookies, cakes or candies. Its worked wonders for me.
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    the sense that i am getting is that nutrition is focusing on getting rid of processed foods, including some carbs. it is impossible to generalize what is good or bad anyway. everyone's body is different and responds to food and exercise in different ways.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I :heart: my carbs!

    I might (and I stress MIGHT) have lost weight faster if I eliminated or restricted them, but I'd also have lost my mind. :laugh:
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    bump :) some good tips there thanx
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I don't trust any diet that tells you to eliminate food groups - well balanced and sensible is the way to go!
  • sarahcowley1
    i agree i havent cut out carbs just smaller portions :)
  • nitashagarcia
    thanks for the info! i was told from the hospital i cant exercise [i have been admitted for severe asthma twice this year and twice ive been to the walk in] so they said a carb restricted diet, and i keep my carbs between 80-142 and i do strength training still, i just need to raise my protein! :)
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    40% to 45% of carb intake daily is perfect. If you're eating less than 40% carbs, you're messing up.
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    Couldn't agree more. If I switched to a low carb diet, I would be tired and miserable. For my carbs I stick to whole grains and veggies. Most days I have somewhere around 250g or so. It is all about calories, not carbs. Sure, cutting it back may help you for a little bit, but this is long term. You gonna eat low carb til you're 80? I highly doubt it.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I completely agree and I 40/30/30 goal for my daily macro intake. Carbs do give us energy and yes they fuel my work outs too! :)
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I love carbs.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I don't think I could live without carbs:laugh:

    I did notice that I wasn't eating enough protein lately (probably never had enough to be honest) so I did add more protein to my diet,but I love carbs too much to go on a low carb diet :smile:
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    I agree with what your saying but I disagree about people lose weight cutting out carbs because you are "eating less". I have been on a low carb diet and even though I don't think they are healthy I ate probably twice as many calories than a low calorie diet. When you cut out those carbs they are being replaced by other sources like more protein. And proteins can be very high in calories. But I do agree about not cutting out a food group. Except maybe processed sugars!:smile:

    the trick is to still not exceed your calorie goal... just diff %

    The other thing I have to say about this post in general... i've found it's not a matter of LOW CARB is what kind of carbs you're eating... I try to make sure 95-100% of my carbs are what's found in my high protein food (as long as it's not sugar) and then only fruits & vegetables... then maybe a lil low carb bread when i really want a sandwich...

    NO CARB is an unreasonable diet.... once you stop doing it your weight is gonna come back.... but drop the grains & the starches... focus on foods that are full of vitiamins & enzymes your body requires... if you eat only 1000 cal a day & it's nothing but little debbie & potato chips... you're still going to have a fatty body even if you lose weight. j

    I aim for 50% protein, 30% carb 20% fat.. truthfully i usually end up a little more like 40/40/20 but that's ok by me... because I know I didn't eat crap, no white bread or donuts, no potato chips or doritos... no cake, no junk! I know I ate whole fruits & vegetables

    And in all honesty I feel AMAZING! my workouts are moderate, my body is re forming, i'm losing fat, i always smile, i recover quickly., and sleeping well... I have more energy then i have time to spend it... and there's no mood swings that was associtated with my yo-yo trying to keep the cal low & eat up the carbos.. which i was not loosing weight, could barely sleep, cranky.. happy... depressed... cranky again... moody & low most of the time...

    I don't believe in the full adkins... zero carbs... nothing but meat constantly... gross.... i believe in balancing things out by eating whole fullfilling foods that my body wants... not the junk that my body hates but tastebuds love.... My tastebuds love carrots too! LOL Cutting the crap and seeking lots of lean protein will automatically set u up to eat lower BAD carbs.... and that's what you need to start doing it the healthy way.

    gram per gram carbs & protein have the same calories... 4. fat has 9. if your protein is too high in calories it's becasue it has more fat that protein... avoid most of it...
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think it's important to make a distinction between "carbs" and "JUNK carbs" There is absolutely nothing wrong with shunning the "JUNK carbs" such as sugar, white flour, white potatoes and white rice. When you have a diet that is high in junk carbs then you're setting yourself up for failure because it's nearly impossible to stay under your calories because those evil junk carbs make you more hungry and eventually you'll cave and eat more.
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    I agree with the balanced intake approach. BUT, the last time I lost weight (THIS will be THE last time!) I would use all protein as a plateau breaker. I'd do 2-3 days of only lean protein and green veggies and then return to the balanced intake to shock my body into letting go of fat again. No carb is way too hard for me for the long term, though.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    I agree with what your saying but I disagree about people lose weight cutting out carbs because you are "eating less". I have been on a low carb diet and even though I don't think they are healthy I ate probably twice as many calories than a low calorie diet. When you cut out those carbs they are being replaced by other sources like more protein. And proteins can be very high in calories. But I do agree about not cutting out a food group. Except maybe processed sugars!:smile:

    the trick is to still not exceed your calorie goal... just diff %

    The other thing I have to say about this post in general... i've found it's not a matter of LOW CARB is what kind of carbs you're eating... I try to make sure 95-100% of my carbs are what's found in my high protein food (as long as it's not sugar) and then only fruits & vegetables... then maybe a lil low carb bread when i really want a sandwich...

    NO CARB is an unreasonable diet.... once you stop doing it your weight is gonna come back.... but drop the grains & the starches... focus on foods that are full of vitiamins & enzymes your body requires... if you eat only 1000 cal a day & it's nothing but little debbie & potato chips... you're still going to have a fatty body even if you lose weight. j

    I aim for 50% protein, 30% carb 20% fat.. truthfully i usually end up a little more like 40/40/20 but that's ok by me... because I know I didn't eat crap, no white bread or donuts, no potato chips or doritos... no cake, no junk! I know I ate whole fruits & vegetables

    And in all honesty I feel AMAZING! my workouts are moderate, my body is re forming, i'm losing fat, i always smile, i recover quickly., and sleeping well... I have more energy then i have time to spend it... and there's no mood swings that was associtated with my yo-yo trying to keep the cal low & eat up the carbos.. which i was not loosing weight, could barely sleep, cranky.. happy... depressed... cranky again... moody & low most of the time...

    I don't believe in the full adkins... zero carbs... nothing but meat constantly... gross.... i believe in balancing things out by eating whole fullfilling foods that my body wants... not the junk that my body hates but tastebuds love.... My tastebuds love carrots too! LOL Cutting the crap and seeking lots of lean protein will automatically set u up to eat lower BAD carbs.... and that's what you need to start doing it the healthy way.

    gram per gram carbs & protein have the same calories... 4. fat has 9. if your protein is too high in calories it's becasue it has more fat that protein... avoid most of it...

    I agree but I was pointing out that a lot of people who low carb diet lose plenty of weight and eat ALOT! I was disagreeing to the reason why people lose weight on low carb is because a food group was being cut out. The weighloss maybe there but I believe the health isn't.
  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    I am a low carber and I am full energy and feel great! I get my carbs from veggies. I certainly wouldn't recommend a NO carb diet but low carb is definitely the way for me. :)