testosterone and prohormones

Someone I am very close to is taking testosterone supplements in addition to several other products that claim to give you more muscle alongside your workout routine. This person has been angry and looks strung out. His personal life has gone to s**t in the past month and he has been taking these supplements for 3-4 weeks.

I am scared for his life and the safety of others around him.

Can anyone shed some light on the supplement industry and their promotion of testosterone as muscle builders?


  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    First, there is going to be difference in types of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). Is it something he purchased off of a supplement site and is a product that claims to 'boost testosterone' or is he taking a real deal steroid? There are TONS of products that claim to enhance muscle growth... including products such as whey protein or creatine.

    Also, not all AAS will produce the side effects that you are describing. I'm not advocating his use, but you must understand that it is his choice and chances are, you will not change his mind about using them.
  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    he purchased them off of a website and he is calling the one testosterone, not a real deal steroid. i know he is taking both whey protein and creatine, but he is so off. could the testosterone be the culprit?
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    There are a lot of products online that end in 'drol'..."H-drol", "M-drol"... they aren't going to produce the affects of a hormone replacement. There are also products that claim to 'boost testosterone'.

    I can't tell you if what he is taking is real or not based on what you have said, but like I mentioned, chances are he isn't going to stop taking them based on your feelings of them. I'm not saying you can't express your concerns to him, but the more against it you are the more likely it will be that he pushes you away.

    Also, most people that take steroids are not going to brag to people who don't know a lot about using them so he could be uninformed about the product he is taking or he just believes it is a steroid and maybe it isn't.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Sounds like an off the shelf product not the real deal. IMO it could just be the placebo affect.

    Also, real AAS don't give everybody "roid rage", it simply brings it out if you have it in your personality. Similar to an aggressive drunk I guess who is fine when not drinking.
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds like an off the shelf product not the real deal. IMO it could just be the placebo affect.

    Also, real AAS don't give everybody "roid rage", it simply brings it out if you have it in your personality. Similar to an aggressive drunk I guess who is fine when not drinking.

    Interestingly, aggression is not really based on personality, but it isn't to say that it doesn't effect how aggressive an individual becomes. Aggression with steroid use occurs when DHT is formed from the steroid when a bond is removed by two hydrogen atoms. The DHT has intense effects on the central nervous system and this is when aggression becomes more prevalant.

    I agree though, his aggression may be a placebo because he 'thinks' that is how is supposed to act.