Anyone else trying to adjust to the life of not being in spo

Hi everyone. I've been on MFP for going on a month. I was just wondering if anyone else out there was very athletic in high school and/or college. I was involved in volleyball for 9 years, basketball for 8 years, and softball for 14 years. Now, due to some injuries, I am limited on what I can do sports wise, but I still love to exercise! Is anyone else in the same boat I am in?


  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I am in your boat, but I just am too busy with work and daddying, Also, evenm if I do get out for some hoops and hockey, there's none of the calorie burning practices anymore. I am probably older than you, and I wish I would have made these adjustments when I was 20 instead of eating (and drinking) whatever was around like I did when I was playing hockey or basketball.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    I was fairly active in high school as well. I played softball for a number of years and volleyball for 2. When I was 21 I had a major injury to my knee. I've had 4 major surgeries on it. I was too afraid to do any sort of physical activity for a really long time for fear of injuring my knee even more. But the last time I went to see my orthopedic he told me that not only for my physical health but the health of my knee I needed to get my life in order. That was my first motivation to get physically healthy again. I have been on and off "diets" and exercise for over a year, but nothing has been consistent enough for me to count it. A friend told me about this site and I'm really loving it so far. What a support group there is here! I have tired various work out videos but have struggled w/ my knee giving me trouble a week in. My doctor suggested fish oil w/ omega 3 in it. He said that should help a little. It also helps your heart, cholesterol, eyesight and a number of other things. He also suggested that I drink lots and lots and lots of water before and after I work out. When I work out hard I find that putting a heating pad on it before you go to bed for about 20 minutes has helped me as well. Friend me if ya like and we can exchange what works and what doesn't!
  • meganbarnes27
    I was fairly active in high school as well. I played softball for a number of years and volleyball for 2. When I was 21 I had a major injury to my knee. I've had 4 major surgeries on it. I was too afraid to do any sort of physical activity for a really long time for fear of injuring my knee even more. But the last time I went to see my orthopedic he told me that not only for my physical health but the health of my knee I needed to get my life in order. That was my first motivation to get physically healthy again. I have been on and off "diets" and exercise for over a year, but nothing has been consistent enough for me to count it. A friend told me about this site and I'm really loving it so far. What a support group there is here! I have tired various work out videos but have struggled w/ my knee giving me trouble a week in. My doctor suggested fish oil w/ omega 3 in it. He said that should help a little. It also helps your heart, cholesterol, eyesight and a number of other things. He also suggested that I drink lots and lots and lots of water before and after I work out. When I work out hard I find that putting a heating pad on it before you go to bed for about 20 minutes has helped me as well. Friend me if ya like and we can exchange what works and what doesn't!

    I have heard that Fish Oil really helps with pain from injuries. I will have to start trying that. Thanks! It's nice to hear from someone who is going through the same problems you are. I will add you as a friend. :smile: