Who Nu???

ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
Has anybody seen and/ or tried these cookies? I saw them at the store today. It says it has as much fiber as a bowl of oatmeal, as much calcium as a glass of milk and several other vitamins. They have chocolate chip ones and oreo like ones. 3 cookies for 150 cals. if anyone has tried them, I'd love to know your thoughts.


    JRRCLR Posts: 338 Member
    I've seen them...but haven't tried them. They claim to be breakfast cookies, right? I would love to be able to have them as a quick and easy breakfast!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    They look like regular chips ahoy or oreos to me. I googled them. I would think snack food but they might be able to work as breakfast for some. I just think they are too good to be true. Maybe a ton of sugar or sodium or something.
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    Between 9 and 11g of sugar for 3 cookies, depending on the type, didn't seem like a ton of sodium. They're interesting, but I'm trying to avoid cookies, :laugh:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I found this.

    First ingredient is sugar and then half of it looks like a chemistry project. I wouldn't touch those cookies with a ten foot pole.
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 174 Member
    I just tried those this weekend. My dad enjoyed them enough to keep eating them but I hated them. Had a really weird after taste to me, but that just could be me!
  • Melimonkey
    Melimonkey Posts: 34
    I just tried the Vanilla ones that look like Golden Oreos.... I think there excellent as far as taste I mean ofcoarse there still a cookie so serving size is important cant eat the whole box. But there excellent source of calcium, iron, Vitamin A,B,C,D,E and like 20 other essential vitamins and minerals. I looked up Golden Oreos nutrional facts and there is nothing as far as vitamins or minerals only calories, fat, sugar and 4% iron thats it... So better alternative and dont feel at all guilty knowing about all the nutrion that those 3 cookies carry.