Contact After a First Date

Metamorphasis555 Posts: 224
edited September 2024 in Chit-Chat
IF a guy is interested in a girl, what length of time do you think is reasonable for him to contact her after meeting up for their first date to let her know he had a great time & maybe tell her he'd really like to see her again sometime? I'd be especially interested in hearing what the guys on here have to say about this. I'm a girl by the way. lol


  • purroxide
    purroxide Posts: 27
    I wouldn't wait any longer than 48 hours. If it were me and I'd had a wonderful time and wanted to see the guy again, I'd be sitting around waiting for a text straight away haha. Each woman is different though :)
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    drop her a text or a call whenever you are ready too... dont leave it to long. Nothing wrong with getting in touch the day after... just tell her... had a good time with you, was fun and your an interesting woman. name a couple of days your busy even if you aint and say we should meet up on friday...

    eg hey, had a great time last night, your interesting. im busy monday and tuesday this week but we should do something wednesday night... it will be fun. job done
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    If I went on a first date and had a great time, I would deffo text or call within 24 hours. Hope this is what you wanna hear?
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    The whole waiting a week thing is overrated. I agree for the "within 24 hours" thing. Chances are, if she had as great of a time as you did, she'll be staring at her phone obsessively until she hears back from you. Why make her wait and talk herself into thinking she was the only one that felt that way or when you call 3 days later to set something up, she'll think something else fell through. (A lot of women tend to do this, myself included, and it really sucks lol)
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok first I would say that age would play a factor and also where you were raised to be honest

    I am from the South raised in a southern family and in my 30's I am recently married but I wasn't that long ago I was dating lol...and it would normally be about two days...even if a boy called when I was a teenager my mother wouldn't let me talk to them for a couple of days didn't want to seem desperate lol

    Other side of the token I have a 17 year old sister raised the same way and they are texting within hours or if not the next day via fb/skype etc. they don't actually appear to ever talk on the phone more on the computer lol

    I can say my husband called me the next morning after our 1st date and I loved that he couldn't wait to talk to me lol
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    any reason the girl can't call/text the guy to say they had a great time and would like to meet up again??

    saves waiting
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Young guys are stupid and will often take advice from his friends to wait a few days.

    Older guys are more secure in themselves and will call you the next day if they want a second date.

    If it goes more than 2 days and the guy isn't really young, I assume he's playing the field and I'm not high on his list. ;)

    (I'm a girl btw-don't let the avatar fool you.)
  • From an expert.... (lol me) Id say that same night (text to say got home safely and thank you for a lovely evening) or next morning. You should also say 'thanks for a lovely evening' - if you liked him / her...
  • Young guys are stupid and will often take advice from his friends to wait a few days.


    ^^ That.....

    You playing hard to get? Im playing walking away.....lmao :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I've had guys who have contacted me that night or sometime the next day... those are when I've felt he's really been interested. Those who have waited for a couple days or more I've usually wrote off as being not as interested and possibly playing the field. I don't mind if a guy contacts me the next day, I don't find it pushy or strange, in fact I like it because I like to know I'm on someone's mind =) .
    AND if I"m really interested I have been known to contact that night or the next day myself. I'm confident enough to do the suggesting of a second date!
  • bluemax87
    bluemax87 Posts: 71
    Guys and girls do the same thing, in my opinion, as far as trying to 'play the field'. I hate to sound stuck up with this stereotype, but the kind of people that use a website like this already have a self-image of themselves (myself included) that is less than great. That being said, we tend to be a little more mature in our selection(s) because we know we aren't going to get that supermodel and all her girlfriends (or the female equivelant) in one week... So, the concensus on this site is going to be the same, again, myself included...

    However, I've seen members of the opposite sex playing the same 'wait 3 days' game with a guy that guys play, so it's not exclusive. Truthfully, it's about your personality and what you've got going on. For me (if I were single) you may not hear back from me for a couple days due to my job. Being a Military Working Dog Handler in the Air Force, I work odd hours and crazy shifts. So, if we went out on a Saturday, chances are that I have Sunday to get all my gear ready before going back to work at the butt-crack of dawn Monday morning and I'll be beat after work Monday and Tuesday night. But, come Wednesday, I may see your number in my phone or laying around and think about calling you but will most-likely feel bad about not having called you for 4 days and not want to interrupt your work and risk you blowing up at me while you're at work. I may be overthinking it at this point, but that's where I'm coming from....

    Luckily for me, I'm married and don't have to play that game. The game I get to play is listening to her complain when she doesn't get a text or call from me all shift and I have to explain to her we had 4 unannounced alarms, 2 heat casualties, a domestic, a shop-lifting and a child neglect call... Then she says that a text telling her I'm busy and I love her would have been awesome... I can't win for losing! LOL
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I've never been one for dating "games" (which is really what they are - head games). If a guy had a good time and wants to see her again, then he should be comfortable enough to call her the next day without fear of showing his feelings. Most girls I know would LOVE not having to wait to know if the guy had a good time.

    I also think a girl should be allowed to call the guy and let him know she enjoyed herself (without fear of sounding desperate).

    If you start a relationship playing games, those games will follow you through the WHOLE relationship. *just something to consider*

    BTW - I didn't get married until I was 37 - probably because I didn't play the game. :wink:
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