why are people congratulating this??



  • chelsky90
    chelsky90 Posts: 15
    Yeah thats what i was saying, for some people trying to eat there calories is just as difficult as people trying not to over eat. i do understand people that are under eating on purpose should not be encouraged to do so.
  • ldholcombe
    ldholcombe Posts: 97 Member
    I try very very hard to meet my calorie goal but am always under... I eat three meals a day + snacks.
  • chelsky90
    chelsky90 Posts: 15
    At the end of the day i will have 800 odd calories left.
    If you have 800 calories left because you've earned a lot through exercise and don't feel particularly hungry on that particular day that's not a disaster, nor is it dangerous to do that occasionally.

    If you have 800 calories left because you've only eaten 400 that day, that's a really REALLY bad idea.

    But I'm sure it's not the latter - as you say you're eating breakfast lunch and dinner, and fruit and smoothies, you can't possibly be doing that on 400 calories a day! Unless breakfast is one crispbread, and the fruit is one grape :bigsmile:

    Hahaha no im not eating one grape lol... :) x
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I don't think it's intentional. I think people just see that so and so completed their food and exercise diary and was under their calorie goal. They probably just forget that you can change your goals to practically any number. Obviously eating 300-400 calories a day is pretty bad.
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    I honestly don't know how anyone can only eat 400 calories in a day. I would never be able to do it.
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87

    What I'd much prefer to see would be a feature where instead of the report being "Completed their diary" or "Completed their diary and was under their goal" you got a report saying "Was within 10% of their goal.

    Right now, you get "rewarded" if you've eaten dangerously little, and you lose the "under their goal" kudos even if you were only one calorie over.

    I love this suggestion. I think it would help keep people motivated since they would still be getting the congrats if they went over their calorie goal by a couple of calories. I hope someone takes this suggestion and puts it in place.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member

    What I'd much prefer to see would be a feature where instead of the report being "Completed their diary" or "Completed their diary and was under their goal" you got a report saying "Was within 10% of their goal.

    What a great idea! You should send a suggestion to the moderators, or whoever is in charge! That could really encourage people to stay close to their goal while discouraging under or over eating!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have been de-friended because I told people that they ate too little, or they were eatting not so healthy. What good is being slimmer if you are not healthy enough to maintain and enjoy it?
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have been de-friended because I told people that they ate too little, or they were eatting not so healthy. What good is being slimmer if you are not healthy enough to maintain and enjoy it?

    I've actually "de-friended" people myself for not eating ENOUGH. (I'm talking about that 300-400 calories a day scenario here. 1100+ is fine. I know how hard it would be get exactly 1200 every day, lol.) I was looking through their diaries and for some reason, just seeing them eat so little... it made me want to eat even less too. I can't have people like that to trigger me. As for "not eating so healthy," I would never tell anybody that. I would never lose a friend over it either. Probably because I eat a bunch of junk! Haha.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    If I can not see the diary, I do not comment. I am not trying to be mean, but I would hope that person is eating enough. I also know some people have the diary where it can not be viewed for personal reasons and I respect that. Ijust do not comment on them being under calories.I show my support in other ways!
  • stinabear13
    stinabear13 Posts: 32
    im on 1,200 cals a day but tending to my two extreamly demanding kids its hard for me to sit and eat uninterrupted and im not a grazer. but its not okay to be congratulating that or promoting that as a healthy choice. i ussually do not eat back the calories ive burned, i got alot of fat to burn off so if i do eat some back so i have energy but not eat all of them back, currently the calories i do burn is from cleaning the house im trying for a steady weight loss of no more than 2 lbs a week, it might take longer but the results will be much sweeter :)
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    I feel exactly the same, I don't congratulate people on their diary completion unless a. I can see what they ate and b. they ate well.

    I wont call people up on their bad choices as sometimes we have the occasional bad day where we don't eat enough or the wrong things etc, but if they asked I'd tell them.
    AGREE !
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    If you get to know your friends on here, their eating habits and beliefs, then your comments can be sincere. Very few take the time to make real comments or get to know the other person.
    Are your friends on a special diet? Vegetarian? Diabetic? Do they eat whole foods? Think if you can answer those questions.
    This site is for support, not judgment.
    No reason to ever comment if you don't feel it. But so nice to encourage others when you know they're doing their best.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I know I don't eat enough cals quite a lot and I expect to be told by my friends on here . but I have seen people on here congratulating young girls for eating 400cals who's target is 300a day

    Did you ever think that if someones target is 300 and they are eating 400 maybe they are struggling with an ED and are making an effort to up their calories? Just a thought
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think the majority of the congrats are people who don't look at the page. I've seen friends accidentally finish their day too soon, say after just having breakfast, and gotten kudos.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    I generally try to congratulate people on completing their journal for the day.
    I am not here to judge, and in the case of eating disorders, the very act of journaling what they are eating could help them realize their pattern and improve.
    So to me, it's all in the wording.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    If I can see their diary, I look at it before commenting. If I can't, I congratulate them for logging. My diary is private, but I log everything.
  • jhoffman27
    jhoffman27 Posts: 55 Member
    The people who are congratulating this are probably young girls who are doing the same thing. We all know this is dangerous but until they mature and educate themselves they will keep doing it. I seen a commercial on tv promoting some kind of weightloss supplement that Kim Kardashian endorses where the girl say's she went from a size 8 to a size 0 and she loves it. The girl looks and probably is anorexic. She looks scary skinny. It's sad that young girls think they have to look like this to be beautiful.
    Young girls shouldn't be stereotyped as the only people that have eating disorders.
    I agree that the media does effect them but it also effects all genders and ages.
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    On my "Cleansing Days" and "Cleansing Days" only, I will only consume ~300 calories that day. On this day, my MFP friends will not congratulate me, but will ask things like "how do you survive off this amount?" or "be careful only having this many calories in a day.". I know that they aren't judging me, but are truly concerned. Again, this in NOT a daily thing...it's only 1-2 days a week, every other week. So, I can't speak for others, but hopefully this isn't a routine thing that the 400 calorie a day people do.

    ***Please don't judge my post, it's part of the ISAgenix cleansing program. Thanks in advance.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    If you get to know your friends on here, their eating habits and beliefs, then your comments can be sincere. Very few take the time to make real comments or get to know the other person.
    Are your friends on a special diet? Vegetarian? Diabetic? Do they eat whole foods? Think if you can answer those questions.
    This site is for support, not judgment.
    No reason to ever comment if you don't feel it. But so nice to encourage others when you know they're doing their best.

    ^^ this is very nicely stated.

    it seems that anyone on this site deserves support and respect for the journey *they* are on, which may look very different than your own. size 16 or size 0, we are here trying to make positive changes in our lives. sometimes the first steps are hard and may look foreign to someone outside of the situation, but it is unfair to judge without knowledge or understanding of their circumstance.

    someone could easily judge the 2-3 glasses of wine i log daily without knowing that just a few months ago it was a full bottle. (whew, that was harder to type than i thought!) the process of journaling/logging, and yes, the supportive comments at the end of the day, are huge tools in *my* process, so thanks to any one who has supported my and/or continues to support all those who need your kind, non-judgemental feedback.
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