
nouch88 Posts: 10
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I am trying to loose my weight but I love food way to much and always seem to eat the wrong thing can anyone help me on heathy yummy easy meals or snacks i can make to help stop wanting all the junk food.



  • TamiLinc
    TamiLinc Posts: 70 Member
    For me, i went to peoples pages and looked at their diaries and saw what they ate.. It helped out a lot.. (not judge mine too hard tho) :)
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    hiya! what are your favorite foods / snacks?
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    FiberPlus Caramel fudge Coconut bars helped me through some tough midday cravings. It's 120 calories but it satisfies you and can get you thru the first few weeks. I'd have a lite lunch followed shortly after by a bar and it got me to the evening meal.
  • nouch88
    nouch88 Posts: 10
    chips cakes anything i shouldn't be eating a lot of and as i live in aus i know i can't get a lot of the us food here
  • If you have sugar and sweet cravings - grab a weight watches fudge bar (or something similar fat free or sugar free)
    Take the fudge bar off the stick, mix in a tbsp or so of peanut butter until you have a chocolate peanut buttery mixture and top with Cool Whip Lite or Cool Whip Free.

    Tastes JUST like a Peanut Butter cup and it's healthy and helps curb those I WANT JUNKFOOD!! cravings :)

    Good Luck!
  • nouch88
    nouch88 Posts: 10
    what is cool whip like cream?
  • Cool Whip is Whipped Cream
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    dont cut chips and cakes out! just go for the healthier versions, treat yourself to baked chips every now and then! there are also loads of healthy cake recipes! its all in moderation :) Recipes

    good luck, you can do this!
  • nouch88
    nouch88 Posts: 10
    Thanks it is so hard when everything here is like a 2 min drive to bad food so much easier than cooking and quicker sometimes
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    i know exactly what you mean, its called self control! its soo hard i know just tell yourself no & walk away
    dont give into those temptations! it will get easier :)
  • nouch88
    nouch88 Posts: 10
    Thanks will have to go food shopping this week and start getting healthy time to get my *kitten* into gear i want to try and loose 10-15 Kgs by september this year which is really possible if i loose 1 kg a week or if i work extra hard 2 kgs a week
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