New here, need a buddy, and advice on breathing

I am new here, having joined about 5 days ago. I am trying to be so good at logging everything I eat and do and, aside from a 2-day break when I had company, I've been pretty good about it.

I am a third-grade teacher in western, NC, living about 3 miles from the entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There are so many things I can do in the outdoors around here, but I don't feel comfortable with doing them yet. And now that summer is here, I really want to wear shorts, but my fat little legs just look SO ugly in them that I usually won't in public (I will around the house).

I need a buddy or two (or more) to help keep my motivated. I'm afraid without one I'll fall off and get run over by the wagon!

I have also noticed that I have a hard time controlling my breathing while doing cardio-type exercise. I live at the top of a pretty steep hill (my driveway) that's about 1/4 mile long and I try to walk down and up it at least once a day. My problem is, I have to stop several times while going up because my breathing is so bad during that time. I've done a little bit of online research and I think I have Hyperventilation Syndrome. It has to do with the body going into a seemingly panic mode and taking over the breathing, thus causing hyperventilation. It makes sense for me, because I lived in a highly-stressed state during my formative years (first 20 years of my life!) due to abuse and now have what doctors term PTSD. I played soccer until I was 16 and quit because I couldn't control my breathing.

After discovering the possibility of this, I decided to focus on my breathing in an attempt to overcome the problem. I noticed that when I breathe, my shoulders rise and fall, instead of my stomach going in and out. I am trying to be more conscious of how I breathe, but I don't know how to change what I do because usually my breathing is an involuntary act.

Does anyone know what I need to do to correct this?




  • maggiemyst
    maggiemyst Posts: 11
    Hi there! I just started about 3 days ago, and am focusing on my food intake (definately lowering the carb intake), and adding exercise slowly. I'm sorry I can't help with the breathing issue, but feel free to talk to me when you want. I have two kids, both a helpful and not when it comes to exercise. They're a great help when I want to get out to a park, regardless of my size. But sometimes they act up at the park because walking is not "fun" enough... I live in southern Pennsyvania, and have had the on again off again diet issue, as well as need some buddies. I almost always wear long jeans, with the exception of special occasions and at night. I'm super pale, and and I dont tan, I burn, so thats my main reason for wearing long pants. I have enlisted a couple friends who live nearby to meet me at parks to walk, so that way I have a commitment and I'd feel bad if I backed out. I know when its just me telling myself, I'm going to the park in the morning and walking a trail, I usually back out, for any number of reasons.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    Hi. I live in Raleigh! I understand about the shorts..I HATE my arms and will only wear 3/4 sleeves shirts! I get really hot sometimes but I am working on exercising my arms and bettering my self esteem. I have a health condition that makes me very light headed and dizzy when I don't breathe correctly. My neurologist said it was very important to monitor my breathing when I exercise. I will sometimes breathe like a pregnant women in labor when I am doing an intense workout. I know I look like a dork but that is a way I am able to remind myself to breathe! Have you talked to a doctor about your breathing? They might be able to give you better advice.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    While I'm only starting with this, a client who is a personal trainer/body builder was talking to me about pacing your breathing during exertion. In through the nose, out through the mouth, concentrating on each breath as you take and release it to be certain it's as deep as you can comfortably manage. In time it will become habit, and it's something that can be easily practiced at any given point in your day.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I don't know much about the hyperventilation problem, but I do know about PTSD and anxiety issues. I use mediation and yoga to help. My yoga skills are pretty crappy still, but the mediation and breathing has helped SO much!

    There are lots of great beginning yoga and mediation sites online that will show you how to get started on doing the stomach breathing and timing of it.
  • Kiwi_09
    Kiwi_09 Posts: 65
    Hi, I added you!

    A great way to get your breathing pace better is to do breathing exercises. You lungs are muscles and can be trained as well. I was actually taught in school a bunch of breathing exercises, I'm in broadcasting and it helps to be able to talk a lot without breathing a lot :P
    Maybe try googling a few, it's kinda hard to explain how to do them.
    It'll for sure help with your breathing and make exercising a lot easier.
    I also found taking yoga classes helped too, they focus on breathing a lot as well.
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member

    Maybe it would be best to stop the walks up and down the hill. Start at an even pace, even ground and work your way up. When you feel you can control your breathing with those walks move on to going up or down the hill.

    Also yoga is awesome for helping you control your breathing. Or well, for me it does.

    Feel free to add me. I am on almost daily :)
  • neckoflace
    neckoflace Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kim,
    I have been a member for a few years, but have never posted anything before. When I was diligent about getting on this website to log in my food, etc., I was losing weight and felt so good that there was a place that helped to support me. I also like the fact that the food check in site logs the content of foods, ie: sodium, carbs, fat, etc. That was so helpful to me because I have a heart condition.
    Now, you asked for help with the breathing..........My first suggestion is that you get checked by a doctor to make sure your heart and blood pressure are okay.
    I also have the shortness of breath and what i did is buy myself a treadmill so I could exercise at my own pace and safely. I started at 5 minutes and gradually worked up to 1 hour. Unfortunately I have fallen back to 30 minutes every day. When I first start on the treadmill, I have to go slow and inhale thru my nose and blow the air out of my mouth. That seems to set a pace for me to get thru my walk.
    I hope you understand this and hope I have helped you. If you continue to log your food, you will lose weight. Good Luck!
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Hi there.
    I to have a lung problem. Mine is asthma brought on by cold weather. That is so I have to do a couple of things. I do breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. Yes it is hard when you get to where you need to breathe hard. I also have scarves that I will wrap around my face. That way the cold air does not hit my lungs right off the bat. Did you notice this problem during warm weather or lately when you are outside in cold air? Another thing is if someone has a fire going that can trigger the bad breathing. I can not breathe when ppl are burning their leaves or there is smoke in the air. Cold weather asthma is not something that is well known, that is why I ask.
    Working on the breathing is a very good idea. Another thing you can try is putting a buff around your mouth when you are outside and doing heavy breathing. You can get one from a local bike store or from online from a catalog called sahalie..
    The link is
    I can't tell you what to do about the shorts thing. I wear capri's for that reason.
    Here is to our health.