I can't stop crying, i'm so unhappy.



  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    First off big hugs I know how hard it can be with a busy life and moving house, also like stephlake said have you though about post natal deprestion? how old is your lil one.

    I love the support on here so keep coming on it realy helps and log EVERYTHING I have found that I have made simple changes just by seeing what im eating and what exercise Iv been doing,
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Wow......such awesome responses for you! This site is unbelievable for support and comfort and StevLL and Hootsmamma are on my friend list and they are AWESOME supporters, which is what you need. I agree with what everyone is saying, especially about the baby blues and feeling overwhelmed. Just breathe and remember that YOU ARE IN CONTROL and you CAN GET THROUGH THIS and YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT....but first you must make a plan...a short-term goal, like eating healthier and taking that walk with the baby. Then in a week or so while baby is sleeping, pop in an exercise dvd and go for it! Keep changing up your exercise routine and logging your food (LET THE MFP PROGRAM WORK FOR YOU) and before you know it, you'll have lost the weight and your wedding day will be everything you want it to be! Just remember, we want to see pics of you on your beautiful day! Good luck new momma and friend me also if you want! :flowerforyou:
  • JFoster26
    JFoster26 Posts: 13
    I got married on Aug. 12, 2007 ---- At 8 months pregnant! Needless to say, when we found out I was expecting the invitations had already been sent out and the dress had already been bought (and believe me, it WASN'T a maternity gown). I was devastated, but I took the best care of myself as I could leading up to the day of and I PROMISE you, if you do that you will feel like a million bucks when you walk down the isle. Start making healthy choices, work out when you can (I know how hard that can be with a little one), and just take the best care of yourself that you can in the next 10 weeks and you will feel wonderful on your day. I'm pulling for you!

  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    Being overweight is not reason to be unhappy with your life. I love my life but I'm choosing to better my life so I can be healthier. I've been a size 22/24 for a long time. I'm 28 and I would kill to have someone that loved me just the way I am,! You have that. They love you for your heart and have taken the time to know who you are apart from your weight challenges. Weight is something that can always change, but your family needs you and love you.

    Your husband to be is going to see your in your white dress, with his heart thumping and a smile on his face when he sees you coming down the aisle. You should be able to find 30 minutes a day to work out. Do it when you baby is taking a nap. The house chores can wait. We are here to support you! You can't do this alone, but we can do this together!
  • duckmannh
    duckmannh Posts: 3
    Dont give up, simply start walking/running and work up to 30-45 minutes per day (taking 1-2 days off a week) and use the daily tracking tool on this site, plenty of time until August. Yes you have a baby, take the baby with you in a stroller! I have 3 kids you need to make it happen!

    Also if you have a smart phone thre app for this site is wonderful!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Fortunately I dont have the stress of moving but I am a stay at home mom to 3 under age 4 and house wife while enrolled in school full time. I've lost 36 pounds in about 6 months and what I do is this:
    Take the kids for a walk 3 times a week for about an hour each time and on the days I dont do that I do dvd vide exercise after they have gone to sleep (found then at wal mart!) My calories are also at or below 1500 net nightly. ;)
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    First, stop crying, there's no reason to be unhappy. You've got a baby which is the greatest gift in the world. You've also got the toughest job in the world, being a mom. You're getting married and you're loved. You've got so much to be happy for.

    Stay with us here and track everything you eat and all the exercise you do. You'll lose the weight and however much that is will be a triumph.

    Stay strong for your family and for yourself. Enjoy life!

    Took the words out of my mouth! You CAN do it, promise! I am a BUSY mom of 5 and a wife, you just have to make time for yourself. *hugs*
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    youre not ugly.you have made a very positive lifestyle choice! changing our appearance by diet and exercise is a process and you shouldn't give yourself a small window of 10 weeks. instead do whats right for your body day by day and I promise you the results will come rolling in. dont treat this as a regime of diet and exercise...treat this as a new way of living that will give you and your family a wonderful and very happy future.
  • Majesty82
    Majesty82 Posts: 3
    Breast Feeding!!! Lactation speeds up your metabolism and is known to naturally result in weight loss among new moms. By breast feeding, your body kicks into overdrive making more milk and your metabolic rate sky rockets. Plus, the advantages to your infant are too numerous to mention here (I wrote a masters thesis about breast feeding in 2005- it is great stuff! Delivering everything from increased immunity to your infant to specialized bacteria to aid in digestion and line your baby's intestines). Plus, it's a great way to unwind and take a time out from a stressful day while bonding with your new family and melting away lots of pounds. Just an idea... you are amazing. Everything will work out just fine, even better than you think. You'll see! :) Weddings do this to everyone, it's normal to feel like a mess! I did! :) It get's better, I promise!