Feeling demotovated!!!

Evening guys

Im feeling quite de-motivated right now.

I used to be an avid weigher and since starting PT sessions a few months ago would weigh every day - more than once a day.

Over the past two months and before Ive tried the eating excercise cals, not eating , eating half and still can't lose a pound. Ive now been dieting since late jan and it wont budge.

Some people say maybe im at my right weight but actually ive stayed comfortably a stone below this before.

I thought maybe inch loss would come but low and behold last nite i tried my holiday clothes on and no change - still all too small!

Im doing 2 x pt sessions a week,two classes and a run and im at the end of my tether - no weight loss or inch loss = fail.

The only place im seeing tone is my upper body but then there wasnt much fat. - im holding extra inches around my tummy hips and upper legs - any suggestions for excercise best for this - im doing combat, body attack e.t.c

I feel like giving up training and going back to eating not a lot x


  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Sounds like you are really working hard! Maybe talking to a trainer would help, it sounds like you are working out enough, maybe just need to do different exercises for your target areas. Dont give up you are doing great!
  • keeponcrushinit
    Are you eating enough?? It sounds to me like your body has stopped fat release... I am using the zig zag method and it's working after a was platueaing for over 2 months.
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    It sounds like you're working out quite a bit so I would guess it's your nutrition that may be the issue. What kinds of foods are you eating? How often? Total calorie intake/day?

    Do you track your food on MFP? If so, is your diary open for others to view? Sometimes getting an outsider's perspective will help you figure out where adjustments need to be made.

    Don't give up! You'll find the key to weight loss!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Alright, hon... I just went through your diary. You're problem is that you aren't eating enough. Your body has stopped releasing fat and is likely burning muscle because you are consistently below 1200 net a day. You need to bump your numbers so that you are eating a minimum of 1200 net calories a day. If you do that, I'm pretty sure you'll start seeing a loss. I know if sounds stupid and counter productive to say eat more and you'll lose weight, but it has been proven time and time again. I promise you won't be disappointed.
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    Alright, hon... I just went through your diary. You're problem is that you aren't eating enough. Your body has stopped releasing fat and is likely burning muscle because you are consistently below 1200 net a day. You need to bump your numbers so that you are eating a minimum of 1200 net calories a day. If you do that, I'm pretty sure you'll start seeing a loss. I know if sounds stupid and counter productive to say eat more and you'll lose weight, but it has been proven time and time again. I promise you won't be disappointed.

    This is correct. I have moved my daily intake to 1480 calories and am losing faster than when at 1200 cals. I am also drinking 1 cup of water 8x a day and maybe more after salty meals.
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    I meant to quote that!:smile: