Detox Cleanse...

Hey everyone,just wanted to see if anyone has done a detox and seen any results? I've been wanting to do the prune juice cleanse,but not sure which way to go. I've been having an upset stomach,and I feel like I need the cleanse after eating healthy,I know i still have stored up junk from the past years.... So if you or anyone you kno has done a cleanse please let me know,any information would be great!!!


  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    I'm curious to see what you find out here, too.
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    me too!!
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    Detox and these Colon cleaners are a waste of time and money, your body gets rid of waste naturally, just eat clean foods and you will be fine and dont forget water :)
  • mikesnwgirl
    mikesnwgirl Posts: 112
    I've never done a cleanse, but would be curious to know more about it.
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    Before I started my "lifestyle change" - I bought a juicer and did a 7day detox juice cleanse to get all of the crap that I had been eating out of my system. Seriously, DO THIS! Yes, it sucked at first, but I lost 5lbs AND it gave me serious energy to start going to the gym and get some awesome cardio in. It was fantastic
  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    i wanna start and a fresh 1st of june, been eating to much crap on a weekend, id love to do a cleanse before the 1st :)
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    I want to start one soon too!!! Im just worried that I won't stick to it.
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    I have done the master cleanse several times in the past. Its lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 10 days. Senna tea at bedtime and salt water flush in the morning. Its not for the weak at heart lol!

    I lost an average of 10 pounds every time I did it, but it always came back. Thats why now I prefer to just eat clean and follow the primal / paleo lifestyle.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    Im on the Advocare 24 day challenge, the first 10 days is a cleanse, I've been on this for 6 days now and have lost 5 lbs.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    I've lost weight and kept it off because of Isagenix
    nutritional cleansing and fat burning system.....its not just a one day thing, it's a whole program :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Thanks I will check it out.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    My naturalpath recommended this when I first started. The only thing different was she didn't I was to eat a well balanced clean diet with no caffeine, white flour, wheat gluten, processed sugar, dairy hydrogenated oils or orange juice Monday thru Saturday noon. 3 hour after your noon meal start. (no enema was required either.)

    It wasn't bad. I ate clean for 2 weeks prior to taking this and since it was only for the weekend it wasn't hard to maintain. I bought the unfiltered apple juice from Trader Joe's.
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    I have done the master cleanse several times in the past. Its lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 10 days. Senna tea at bedtime and salt water flush in the morning. Its not for the weak at heart lol!

    I lost an average of 10 pounds every time I did it, but it always came back. Thats why now I prefer to just eat clean and follow the primal / paleo lifestyle.

    thanks for that, this is one i was going to look in too, but after your comment i think i will stick with my healthy eating change, why suffer for all the weight to come back? might as well do it with the right the first time around with healthy food and excersise. :-)
  • KarenLouise1981
    Please do not do a cleanse for weight loss - you can do any of the 4,000,000 cleanses out there and of course you will lose weight because you are not eating. However as soon as you start eating, the weight comes back and you feel frustrated, downhearted so start another or some other crazy diet...opening saga to an eating disorder anyone...I have tried them all with said result and i'm still here on this site trying to do it healthy now!!

    If you really wanna ditch the s**t I reccommend a colonic irrigation every 6 months (you may need 3 at the start) and more fibrous foods with less processed foods and WATER WATER WATER. I have them as I have IBS and they really helped me but with everything - it will come back. I have learnt through research and education that the body has an amazing way of healing itself if you treat it right and give it what it needs to do the job.

    I wish you luck though and hope you make a decision that suits your needs at this moment x
  • corieueber
    corieueber Posts: 72 Member
    IMO - detox is a load of rubbish - any weight you lose you will put back on once you start eating again and look into it, you will lose muscle and body will store fat in famine mode so you end up going backwards.

    As for cleaning out our system - you have a body full of organs that are designed to clean and filter everything and unless you are missing your liver/kidneys etc your body will do just fine with a healthy diet of water, fruit and veg and good proteins