I'll be the first to say I've been lazy...

ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
but now I'm here and in this forum to proclaim no more. I'm 33, tired of looking like this and ready to stop crying about it and start changing. Started off strong a year ago and lost 15 lbs by changing to whole grains and adding better choices to our family pantry. Started with this app in the spring and lost 10 more then regressed over the last 2 weeks and gained 3 back. I got too confident and since I still had added little exercise there was no way to combat the stress eating as lay offs flew around the company. Now it's time to make more changes. Tried out a zumba class this weekend and want to join the gym to start attending the class and begin developing real exercise habits. On the way, maybe I'll learn to cook since my family growing up only had fried southern food or things out of a box. Don't have the desire or ability to fry in my kitchen, but also need to learn to cook a variety of foods and find vegetables I like. Hoping you guys can help me do this and hold me accountable since no one can do this alone.

Thanks for listening,


  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    YUMMM southern food. I grew up on it also, it is so hard to stay away from it, but there are many ways to make the almost same food with less calories.
  • irishlady7
    irishlady7 Posts: 3
    Hi Lisa,

    I have lost just over 3 stone by following slimming world magazine that you can buy in your local store. Main thing is to cut out fat and use fry light instead. You just need to curb eating bread.You can dry fry food . I eat steak, chicken, turkey,slimming world mince, Quorn lots of veg and even have chips. I par boil chips first then dry them and spray with fry-light put in oven . ADD A LITTLE CHILLI for a kick if so desired. I even enjoy a few Malteesers now and then.

    I am surprised that I can eat so much delicious food without putting an ounce on. There have been times when weight just did not move so I ate a pieace of dark chocolate and bingo! I was back on track. Dont ask me how this works but it does.
    I need to lose at least 46lbs, so I am planning to increase my daily exercise. Done Zumba class its great!

    I think you may not be lazy just discouraged, so come on gal look at where you have come from and keep on going. Take time to work out your weekly menu, and freeze some food in small portions to have ready at hand when you are feeling less resilient.:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks guys. Believe it or not I only eat baked or grilled and only drink water...so at least I don't have to break those habits. Appreciate the friend requests!