I need some encouragement!!!!

Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Well as it says,I really need some motivation and support,Im feeling a little down today.I had a real bad day yesterday from morning to night time,i ate junk,went over by maybe 1000 calories. I had to guess at most foods,but I wasn't being to easy on myself. But I'm totally paying for it today.I feel like that one day screwed everything up. I gained about 2 lbs. I hate feeling this way. I kno its a new day,but just to get the feeling out is hard to do. I ate right today,but still feeling down. Yesterday was the first time I've eaten like that in about 4 and a half months.I just don't want it to effect my journey. I did have good news,after I weighed in,I measured myself and lost another 6 inches. I just need some support right now:( Thanx


  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    Aww hun. Do not beat yourself up!
    It was only one day :))
    You can do this
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    One day out of 4.5 months is a tiny little hiccup! You can jump right back in and be fine!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Look at it this way. We all have our weak moments. And honestly, sometimes our weak moments turn into the kick in the pants we need to keep going. It is also sometimes the thing that confuses our metabolism enough to kick it into a higher gear and drop a little more weight a little bit faster. So... it could turn into a good thing... as long as you get back on track now. :) You got this!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Just keep pressing on toward your goal. Don't dwell in self pity because we all have those days. You''ll be fine!!!
  • Fall down seven times get up eight...i think that's how it goes :) we ALL mess up....drink lots of water to rehydrate yourself and remember how you feel right now...maybe print off what you just typed...and look at it next time...
    i just printed off this picture and put it on my fridge, it has helped me all day :
  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    Don't stress.. it happens to all of us! Look at it this way... it takes an excess of 3500 calories for you to gain a pound, so IF you gained its probably a teeny, tiny amount. You maybe a little bloated for a day or two and that my cause the scale to fluctuate a little bit, but it'll probably just be temporary. Don't beat yourself up about it!
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    Hopefully you enjoyed it, now forget it and move on. The worst thing you can do is letting what you did yesterday affect how you feel today! Count it as a cheat day and turn the page. Good luck!
  • tasiac23
    tasiac23 Posts: 48 Member
    You are being really hard on yourself :-( If that's the only time you've eaten like that in 4 1/2 mos. that's pretty good!!! Obviously you have great willpower! I actually think it's good to trick your body every once in a while and those two lbs are probably just bloat and water weight from over eating. Those lbs should be gone ina couple of days....if you stay on track now. I think that most of us have days like that. Especially if we are stressed or w/e. You seem determined so don't beat yourself up over it :)
  • Shinojosa00
    Shinojosa00 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi- you can do this!

    its ok just get back on track... We have
    to stay accountable. wish you have done by logging your dairy... You WILL BE fine just keep tracking your daily intake and the pounds will come off. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Don't stress it. Today you're back on track.

    We all have bad days where we don't meet our goals. It's okay as long as we don't let it become a pattern. Don't let what the scale says to today ruin it for you. Your weight fluctuates normally. I weigh myself daily and I only record a gain if it stays with me for more than three days. It almost never does unless one bad day becomes several...

    That said, you can do this. You wouldn't be asking for encouragement if you couldn't. You'd have already given up. You wouldn't even bother logging... You're still here though. :smile:
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    You'll be fine, get a good workout in, drink some extra water, and move forward, you can't change yesterday, only today and tomorrow...:flowerforyou:
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Thnx everyoneYour encouragement means alot!! All of you are right!! It was one day and I shouldn't let me down!! I will get back on track and lose those lbs that I gained!! Thnx:)
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    It happens to all of us! This is a journey and there will be some highs and lows. The key is dusting yourself off and getting back on that horse. Drink your water and get a great workout in! Hang in there girlie!
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    Plus, the pounds you gained is part water, I bet a million bucks. So what you gained is a pound and a bit. It happens to all of us if you log honestly and faithfully for this long. Just get back to business. You already did well today and are on the right path again. Don't even call it a screw-up... just a poor decision. We all make poor decisions once in a while. You are looking so good and you are going to look even better very soon. So, when you complete your daily diary, how much will you weigh in 5 weeks if you do good? Do that and you'll look good.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Ok so u crashed ur wagon set it on fire and it fell on u right? That's ok it happens it's alright I promise it happens to the best of us ur just one of few who are being honest about it an putting it out there lol. Refocus an see what u have accomplished thus far. We are all human an give in to our cravings at times but if we never made mistakes we would never learn from them an some of us have to make the same mistake several times before we say " ok this is it I don't want to feel this way any more" and some of us like myself say " screw it I over ate that's an extra 3 miles I'll run tomorrow. At the end of the day don't beat yourself up were not perfect nor are we striving to be....I hope lol. Ok now that you have read my novel which will soon be on oprahs book list hahaha we are all here for u don't forget that!! Besos
  • officiallymrswhite
    officiallymrswhite Posts: 423 Member
    It's ok...don't be too hard on yourself!!! I have had days like that...but the important thing is to get back and do better tomorrow!! You can do it!!! :smile:
  • crcoia
    crcoia Posts: 6
    No worries! Your two pounds are probably just water retention. You did not undo all of your hard work. EVERYONE has bad days. The great thing about your bad day is that you recognize that it was a bad day, and you do not want to repeat it any time soon. Just keep pushing forward. Don't be so hard on yourself. It is good that you logged everything - even if a lot of it was guessing - it keeps you "in the know". Be encouraged! You are doing great!!! :happy:
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