Plateau Help

I think I have a hit a plateau. I have lost little to nothing in the pass 4 weeks. My lifestyle has changed though. I am now living with my parents for the summer and eating a little more "junk". I have also changed my exercise pattern. I use to attend a bootcamp 3x a week and walk 2x a week. Now I go to LA fitness everyday. I do at least 30 minutes of cardio a day on the treadmill or elliptical.I also go to yoga and weight lifting classes. I am not working or in school so I have a lot more time to devote to loosing weight. I was doing so well before but now it is horrible. I need help. Please feel free to look through my journal. I missed a few days due to graduation but there is a lot to see. If anyone had an exercise advice, that would be great too. All advice is appreciated. thanks!


  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I plateaued for a month too, and then it started coming off. Keep the faith and stay patient! :) You are getting other gains from exercising and eating right.


  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    Pay close attention to what you are eating, cut out the "junk" and you should be fine. Many times we think we have plateaued but we haven't. It's the slightest changes in our daily activity that needs to be adjusted like what we are eating or change up the workout.
  • Jismeri
    Jismeri Posts: 2
    From what I've seen, the problem HAS to be that you're not eating enough calories, and a lot of the calories you are eating are coming from junk food.
    You have to stop skipping meals. Stop eating brownies, potato chips, and pizza for breakfast, no matter how small the portions. Try eating more whole foods (fruits and veggies!) and less processed foods. Skipping meals will slow your metabolism, making it harder to lose the weight.

    Hope this helps!