Bad weekend

So I started my diet after my son was born almost two months ago...I have a problem staying with it ill start off really strong..and by the weekend it seems like I have no controll...:explode: I don't know if its because I don't see results as fast as I would like...I get frustrated and give up..I need some help getting over the first few weeks any advice?


  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    Weekends are always bad for diets unless you set aside some time to work out more. Try not to think of the weekend as a rest day from your diet. Think of every day as a diet day and treat Saturday and Sunday as such.
  • RiseWayward
    RiseWayward Posts: 24 Member
    yeah weekends are always tough!
    stick at it though - forgive yourself your mistakes - you'll see results soon :) xx
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't know how anyone diets with babies. I haven't been in the mental place or physically up to doing anything but survive the first year with both of mine.
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    I've just had bad saturday and sunday this weekend - I wasn't planning on it but I had things to do so didnt get time for the gym to earn a few extra. Haven't been crazy like stuffing myself with pizza/macdonalds or anything, just snacking a fair bit. I went out for lunch with my sister yesterday and instead of a burger I had a goan vegetable curry with plain boiled rice which i thought was a better option. The worst thing I did was eat 3 kids size bags of sweets at the cinema as I didnt want to fork out for pricey pic n mix. I shouldnt have done it, I know. But that added like 600 cals on top.

    Will I see the after effects of being over by 500-600 cals for these past 2 days? How much weight will I put back on? How can I not beat myself up about the weekend but move on>
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I had a bad weekend myself, not insane but indulged in things I haven't in a long time. I went out to dinner with my fiancé which we only do about twice a year so I eat pasta and desert, so not good!(well really really good actually, lol just not for the diet).
    Today I'm up 4lbs, I realize it's almost all water weight but I've decided to do a juice cleanse for two days and get this crap outta my system!
    Buck up and be good for the next few days and you'll feel better, the key is to realize we haven’t done our best and to do something to fix it!
  • jmijaressf
    jmijaressf Posts: 215
    Of course, I commented last night and then ended up 2 pounds heavier this morning. D'oh! Holiday weekends are the enemy of diets...
  • Mommyof3texans
    Weekends can be hard! I think they actually require more planning than during the week for me. Have good, healthy foods readily available and also plan your meals ahead of time and put it on the fridge!

    It can be discouraging not to see awesome results right away, it really takes a long term focus to stick with a healthier lifestyle! Find healthier replacements for your go-to bad foods or portion out 1 serving only of those items to help you from going overboard.

    Have your spouse help keep you in a routine...ask for 1 hr on Saturday or Sunday to do some exercise.

    You can do this!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Weekends are challenging for some of us.

    I have found what helps me is to set mini goals for myself and have a meal plan.

    My mini goals can be anything from drinking 8 glasses of water to getting in an extra workout.

    Meal planning is alot of work but it helps me to know what I will be eating and avoids unwanted calories from last minute food choices.

    When I am on the go on weekends, I pack my water and snacks to take along with me.

    Best of luck
  • RiseWayward
    RiseWayward Posts: 24 Member
    I went out drinking saturday night so although I went to the gym in the morning my drinks (and takeaway that inevitably followed) racked up my cals!
    i tried to get back on track yday and today i've been to the gym again and intend to eat healthy for the rest of the day.I put 3 pounds on since middle of last week, but im sure that if i'm extra good the next couple of days i'll loose that again and more.
    the key is positive thinking and to not beat yourself up! at least its monday today and we dont have to worry about the weekend for a good while :)
    stay strong guys x
  • dmest
    dmest Posts: 98 Member
    I've definitely found that exercise during the weekend is even more important than during the week. We tend to eat out a bit more and even with small portion sizes, it's really easy to go over on calories if you don't workout.
  • dgrayman
    dgrayman Posts: 15 Member
    The key is to have a cheat day, that is were all diets go wrong. You can be strict all week long, but set aside one meal or a little snack that is within your calories to cheat on. This will make the weekends worth getting to and it lets you cheat, but stay within your calories. Check the calories on the things you like to cheat with, then see which day you can cheat with that item. Do some extra cardio or weightlifting or something that burns calories so that you can get your cheat item in. This way you wont think of it as a diet, but being normal.
  • Qtnboots
    Qtnboots Posts: 6
    Weekends can be hard! I think they actually require more planning than during the week for me. Have good, healthy foods readily available and also plan your meals ahead of time and put it on the fridge!

    It can be discouraging not to see awesome results right away, it really takes a long term focus to stick with a healthier lifestyle! Find healthier replacements for your go-to bad foods or portion out 1 serving only of those items to help you from going overboard.

    Have your spouse help keep you in a routine...ask for 1 hr on Saturday or Sunday to do some exercise.

    You can do this!