HELP! I just binged!!

So...generally speaking I eat about 1200 calories a day and work out 6 or 7 days a week (my "off day" is usually just yoga). I give myself one cheat meal a week, but try to stick to eating under 1800-2000 calories for that day. was NOT that day!! I've been craving pizza for weeks, so I went and got a small pizza (for the record it was a 14" thin crust with sauteed spinach, pomodoro tomatoes, mushrooms, and feta cheese)...I ended up eating HALF of it...PLUS 4 hot chicken wings with bleu cheese. :/ eck

I'm kinda freaking out right now. I feel really bad for eating all of that because I'm sure it added up to something like 1400 or 1500 I probably ate round about 3200 calories today!!! I haven't done this in a VERY long as long as I get back on track tomorrow I should be fine...right??? I just need some reassurance that this isn't going to KILL all the hard work I did this week. Thanks!!!


  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    You will be okay! I binged one day last week (over 2000 calories) and I still lost 1 lb.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    if you plan to weigh in tomorrow then I dont think it will show a good skip weighing this week and learn from your mistakes and stick to measured servings 1 of the thing you crave..I would weigh yourself to stay accountable but dont log it
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day... just put that meal behind you and work for tomorrow =) I have those kinda days and it hasn't set me back at all! I like to think of it as tricking my body.... letting it think it is getting all that yummy goodness and then BOOM back to business baby!! Shake it off girl =)
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I just started a 1800 daily calorie count. im a good 170 over weight & that was a normal day for me. i over did it today, u have been doin such a great job, i wouldnt worry about 1 day when you can correct it tomorrow
  • jessilea53
    jessilea53 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh dear, youll be just fine. I did that on Friday (see my dairy) and I have lost weight since. Just get back to your schedule tomorrow and it will all work out. We all need to let loose every once in awhile. No need to punish yourself. Keep up the hard work.

  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    First of all don't panic. We all need a cheat day every now and then. If you ate around 3200 calories you probably burned off almost half of that from daily activity. So you only added on an extra 1600 calorieds or so. 1 lb of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So worst case scenario you gained about half a pound today. When you break it down like this it shouldn't sound so bad now. Walk an extra 3-4 miles on the treadmill tomorrow (or run two) and you will burn most it off.
    Don't beat yourself up you sound very disciplined and deserve to relax every now and then. Just don't make it a habit lol : )
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    This is why I don't do cheat days. If I want pizza, I plan it into my dairy. Usually I plan to either get a small personal pizza (they call them pita pizzas because they are about the size of a dinner plate) or I get 1 or 2 slices and a salad. it keeps me in control and it doesn't turn pizza into forbidden fruit.

    Net time trying planning your cravings instead of fighting against it. I don;t think one days will kill you as long as you can get back on track .
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I find that having those days actually stimulates my loss again reminds my body that it's ok. Just try and balance it out with extra exercise through the week to get the weekly balance back towards the goal.
  • jvkh127
    jvkh127 Posts: 261 Member
    In case you get a craving for pizza again try this recipe! lol

    Spinach Goat Cheese Onion Pizza

    1 package Pillsbury - Pizza Crust Classic
    1.5 cups Shredded Mozzarella - Part -Skim
    1-2 oz Fresh Goat Cheese
    1/5 cup Chopped Spinach: Frozen
    1 tablespoon Minced Garlic
    1/4 cup Red Onion Medium

    Roll out pizza dough on a baking sheet or stone. Evenly spread minced garlic, mozzarella, goat cheese, and spinach in that order. Bake in oven on 425 degrees till crust is golden brown. Makes 6 slices.
    Less than 300 calories per slice
    Hope you like it!!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    It'll be ok!...Jackie Warner in one of her nutritional guide that comes with one of her videos actually allows for two 1500 cal treat meals on the weekend.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    :) Thanks everyone...I feel a bit better now - haha...y'all had some good suggestions. I appreciate the help! It's good to know that some of you have had the same experience and still lost weight. I just won't weigh myself tomorrow...

    And generally I would just get a slice or two to curb the craving, but unfortunately at this place you can't get the pizza by the slice...and my ex has my no help eating all that deliciousness :)
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    You'll be fine!!! It's not lik efalling off the wagon with drugs or booze. Everyone does it every now and then.

    First off 1200 calories is not enough everyday, that is the bottom threshold a person should eat daily. No wonder you were craving a pizza. Your not eating enough. Raise your caloric intake up to about 1600-1700 it shoudl helpp with the craves.

    A good sight on nutrition.

    A good site about diets and nutrition.

    Low carb diets

    Good luck in your goals!
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    In case you get a craving for pizza again try this recipe! lol

    Spinach Goat Cheese Onion Pizza

    1 package Pillsbury - Pizza Crust Classic
    1.5 cups Shredded Mozzarella - Part -Skim
    1-2 oz Fresh Goat Cheese
    1/5 cup Chopped Spinach: Frozen
    1 tablespoon Minced Garlic
    1/4 cup Red Onion Medium

    Roll out pizza dough on a baking sheet or stone. Evenly spread minced garlic, mozzarella, goat cheese, and spinach in that order. Bake in oven on 425 degrees till crust is golden brown. Makes 6 slices.
    Less than 300 calories per slice
    Hope you like it!!

    omg - that sounds delicious! You're a godsend - haha
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    Not to worry, last week I had a day where I was 1200 calories over my daily requirement. I woke up the next day and didnt gain an ounce. The body works in mysterious ways.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    You'll be fine!!! It's not lik efalling off the wagon with drugs or booze. Everyone does it every now and then.

    First off 1200 calories is not enough everyday, that is the bottom threshold a person should eat daily. No wonder you were craving a pizza. Your not eating enough. Raise your caloric intake up to about 1600-1700 it shoudl helpp with the craves.

    A good sight on nutrition.

    A good site about diets and nutrition.

    Low carb diets

    Good luck in your goals!

    haha - I know it's low on the threshold, I'm actually majoring in nutrition - hahaha...I always make sure I eat my exercise calories and the 1200 isn't forever. Once I get down to my goal weight I'll bump up my caloric intake. I just needed some reassurance about this binge. It's always good to know there are others out there that have had the same experiences, yet still manage to lose weight. :)
  • Izzy62
    Izzy62 Posts: 62 Member
    If it's any consolation I had a pizza last Thursday night, and I weigh in on Friday mornings. I lost 4lb !
    I tend to eat very low fat diet and as I'm getting used to listeneing to my body there are times that I really crave something fatty to eat, this is very occasional, maybe once a month.
    So long as you get right back on track again it really doesn't hurt :)

    In the long run this is probably the "diet" we will be following for life, and I'm certain I couldn't live without pizza!

    Good luck xx
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    When I was on 1200 I went WAY over regularly and I still lost faster than mfp said I should...

    You'll be fine. And remember any initial gain may well be unprocessed pizza!
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Don't worry,,, if you eat 3500 calories over your allowance of maintaining you'll gain 1 pound.

    Which isn't that much to be honest is it?

    It might appear like you gained some weight though,because if it was salty you might retain some water.

    Just get up and start again :)
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Your not alone hun, i too ate pizza on saturday night and hadnt cheated in 42 days, 3 slices of thin crust cost me almost 1000 calories and i felt so bad but im starting a fresh today and i know i wont do it again cos i didnt even enjoy it, funny how stuff you used to love and eat regular tastes bloody awful now
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    haha - yeah, the scale this morning said I gained 3 pounds overnight - haha...darn you salty pizza!! :) That's okay...I'll just weigh myself next Monday and use that as my weigh in number. Thanks for the support all!

    I will say though...I feel so...full (for lack of a better word). That pizza is just sitting in my stomach uncomfortably. I suppose that was exactly the feeling I needed though...this way I won't do it again knowing how it makes me feel after!