Ahhh Confused?

Yesturday I ate half my weight in cupcake batter, had a tipple of custard, worked a night shift and sipped a constant stream of hot chocolate throughout the night. Obviously - Calorie and sugar overload and lack of sleep. I hopped on the scales today and hoped that the damage wasn't too bad! I LOST half a kilo! How is this possible?! I eat like a super human health freak, exercise for an hour and sleep 8-10 hours a night on a daily basis and lose 0.1 -0.2kg a day. Can anyone explain this?!?


  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Yes. It happens when you give your body a bit of a jolt. Like you eat within your goal for a while then you have a few days when you eat more - and you drop pounds.
    You just have to be careful not to overdo it and start gaining.

    I keep changing my goals - from lose 2 pounds per week to 1 to 0.5 and sometimes I put it on maintenance (if I am going away on vacation or something) It is weird but it does help weight loss to change a bit.