Cold weather = ravenous



  • ncm251
    ncm251 Posts: 24
    Hi Jen,

    yeah, I've had the Eatwell's before. It's nice on the BBQ but you're right... it DOES need tomato sauce. All the meaties that have had the Sanitarium Not Burgers have been pretty satisfied with them. You may have to try the big supermarket like Coles or Woolies. I think the IGA's I've been to have had them too. Can't remember if I posted this link, but this is what they look like:

    That recipe looks delicious! I agree, it looks far better than the Eatwells. My mum made me some lentil burgers over the summer. She also put some nuts in it. It was FABULOUS!! Mind you, I had stopped MFP over the silly season so I think I may have consumed more than double my calorie requirements.

    I did the low carb protein shakes back in 2008. I was pretty content on them. I lost 14kg by having a shake for brekkie and lunch, a piece of fruit for morning and arvo tea and then a good solid dinner. I was also exercising a fair bit. I would walk from Chatswood to North Ryde every morning (about 6km) and often back....

    BUT then got back with my ex for a few months, put weight back on... then after that ended i started with my now partner and the weight piled on even further. The shakes I was on is the Nutralife Thermo Trim Max. I quite liked the taste of those. It comes in chocolate or vanillaThe only place I could find it is at Healthy Life. I'm sure there are a number of them around but I used to shop at the Macquarie Centre store and the Miranda Westfield store (I've worked in shopping centres all over Sydney). Can't really speak for many other brands. I don't rate the Nutralife Low Carb shakes. The taste is ick and so is the texture.

    Stir fry suggestions? Have you made stir fry before? I don't often make them, but my mum does a fair bit when I go to visit. Lots of snow peas and thinly sliced carrot. I'd be inclined to suggest either of these methods, which I mentioned in an earlier post, for cooking the tofu:
    I love deep fried tofu with its crunchy skin... but obviously this isn't the healthiest way to cook the stuff. I find the most successful and light on calorie way to cook is just using canola oil spray and frying it on the pan. Just shake it every minute or so and give it a few mins on each side.

    Then just have some soy sauce on hand if you want some saltiness in your meal!

    -Nancy xx