started something new

Hi Well after feeling miz from my weigh in on sat i decided to start swimming again (please note my local baths only just opened up on saturday after 2 years of being closed for refirbishement) so i am pleased to say that i didnt sink and i acutally acheived 200meter swim without stopping on a major high, and although i was in there for an hour i only put down 30mins as i did stop and start. i am going back on thursday morning thats going to be my two days of swimming monday and thursday so i have no excuse im goign to build back up to 20 lengths (50meter length) its going to take some hard work but i think its going to be the best thing for me. hope everyone is having a great day even wioth the kids off !!!:bigsmile:


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Awesome job lady! Keep up the fabulous work!!!
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    good job!! sounds quite invigorating!!!!!! :smile:
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    I started swimming again since joining a new gym.

    It's an 18meter pool and when I first started I was pleased if I did 25 lengths. Now a month on I can do 140 lengths no rest.

    It makes you feel SO good, it's relaxing, and so good for your entire body, I am uber flexi after my swim, I can put both my hands flat on the floor with my legs together and poker straight.

    Enjoy your new found workout!
  • soonskinny01
    I would love to swim, but 2 years ago I did just that, and my hair was fried from all the chlorine, does anyone have any ideas to help prevent my hair from getting all dried out?