Lost motivation a bit ... HELP!

emmacummin Posts: 23
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I need a wee bit of help keeping my motivation up! I've been doing well and am only 4lbs off my target now, but for some reason my enthusiasm has just gone a bit off the boil! I've hit a plateau for a fortnight or so, so it might be that, but I've been quite slack in recording my food and iv not exercised at all in the last 4 days.

What kept you motivated? Any ideas welcome!!


  • flabfighter31
    flabfighter31 Posts: 41 Member
    I hit my third week of pleatu on saturday and nearly lost most of my motivation but people on here have told me not to give up and keep going your motivation is you only have 4lbs to go come on you can do it changed your workout a bit and see if that helps, im sure we can get there im going to amaze myself this week and know off 1lb ok i will admit id love to knock off 2 but i will be over the moon if its just the 1 chin up
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    I say reassess your target, hitting a plateau may just mean you're at a healthy and maintainable weight.

    If you still want to go for it spend some time looking for alternatives as the routine gets boring, I know mine does! Look for different exercises or meal alternatives which may make you more inclined get back on the wagon.

    And it's bad advice, but I've felt the same recently and had days off the exercise eating without concern for the calories and I felt crappy for it! So maybe a few days off could be motivating in their own way too :-)
  • matt_wysor
    matt_wysor Posts: 20
    The only one that can motivate YOU is YOU, all we can do is try to encourage you, as for the plateu switch up your workout routine, don't get stuck in the same thing, just keep your chin up and meet your goal!!
  • emmacummin
    emmacummin Posts: 23
    Thanks everyone! I'm going ti try some new exercises and maybe mix my calorie intake up a bit. Cheers!
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    I was feeling the exact same last week. I have decided not to be soo strict anymore and it has kind of helped me over the hump and have a bit of motivation again. I looked up my cals for losing 1/2 pound a week and my maintenance cals and decided that if I go up to my maintenance cals for awhile I'm not gonna worry about it.
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