dont seem to be losing wieght

yamdad Posts: 17 Member
i have been really eating healthy and exercising well since january. i walk 4 miles every morning at a brisk pace with the dog about 3 to 5 mph and workup a nice sweat. i did the Ea active 6 week challenge and lost 20 pounds. i then did the ea active 2 9 week challenge and lost 8 pounds but built up some muscle and toned up a little. i started the 9 week challenge again and still with good eating habbits, not eating after 7pm and still walking every morning but it seems since May 1st i havent dropped any wieght.
any advice i can get would be apprectiated. i started at 242 pounds in january and wieghed myself again this morning and was at 212 pounds.. getting discouraged all my efforts, hard work and sweat arent paying off for a month now.

any suggestions for me? im 41 years and want to get rid of this tire around my waste.


  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Step away from the scale and measure yourself. or just focus on eating well and getting plenty of exercise. I am over 300 and it's hard, but if you get married to the scale it will drive you nuts.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    i have been really eating healthy and exercising well since january. i walk 4 miles every morning at a brisk pace with the dog about 3 to 5 mph and workup a nice sweat. i did the Ea active 6 week challenge and lost 20 pounds. i then did the ea active 2 9 week challenge and lost 8 pounds but built up some muscle and toned up a little. i started the 9 week challenge again and still with good eating habbits, not eating after 7pm and still walking every morning but it seems since May 1st i havent dropped any wieght.
    any advice i can get would be apprectiated. i started at 242 pounds in january and wieghed myself again this morning and was at 212 pounds.. getting discouraged all my efforts, hard work and sweat arent paying off for a month now.

    any suggestions for me? im 41 years and want to get rid of this tire around my waste.

    I just looked at your goals and you are not eating enough. The minimum amount that a man should eat is 1500 Net, you are set at 1300ish. Try changing your goal to 1.5lbs/week instead of 2, this will give you some extra calories.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Activate sodium on your diary, you eat a fair bit of processed weight watchers food and I'd bet they are high in salt which is going to make you hold on to water weight.

    Don't get discouraged, focus on the Non Scale Victories and take measurements.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Activate sodium on your diary, you eat a fair bit of processed weight watchers food and I'd bet they are high in salt which is going to make you hold on to water weight.

    Don't get discouraged, focus on the Non Scale Victories and take measurements.

    THIS. And I agree with the poster who commented on your eating too few calories. You really don't want to eat under 1200. Change you settings to the default and choose whether you want to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. I realize that most people who have more than 50lbs to lose have a hard time eating all the calories, but you should be eating more than that as an adult male. Personally I don't eat anything low fat/no fat or diet and avoid as much processed food as possible. They are often full of sodium, sugar and chemicals. Lastly don't forget to drink your water.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    There were a few days where you exercised 400-1,000 calories and didn't eat your exercise calories.
    You ate 1454 calories burned 612 - net calories 842
    you ate 1,184 calories burned 1017 - net calories 77
    you ate 1478 calories burned 600 - Net 878 calories

    This will screw up your metabolism.
    Eat more - Feet those muscles to burn the rest of the fat.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    I took a look at you diary and saw that you had 3 chick soft tacos which sounds like it should be pretty healthy. 180 calories each.. ok not too bad but the sodium in each one is 460!! which means those 3 tacos are giving you 1380 mg of sodium in one meal and you are only supposed to have less than 2300 for the day!
    The processed food is killing your diary! (and your body) Like the previous posters said they are filled with sodium.. Also yes the calories are too little! I know it seems strange but you will find you will lose more weight eating more calories.
    Incorporate more veggies into your diet. You dont have much food in your diary and must be hungry. Mine looks like Im over eating as there is so much food but it is salad ingredients every meal. But I still eat a healthy meal with protein. I saw where you were eating canned tuna. I have found pouches of Albacore tuna that is low sodium. Check it out.!
    I have stopped eating processed foods almost entirely as deli meats and anything packaged is just so bad for my diet. Be sure you are drinking your water too!
    If you listen to the tips the posters have given you Im sure you will see a down trend in your weight!

    Good lucki!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Activate sodium on your diary, you eat a fair bit of processed weight watchers food and I'd bet they are high in salt which is going to make you hold on to water weight.

    Don't get discouraged, focus on the Non Scale Victories and take measurements.

    THIS. And I agree with the poster who commented on your eating too few calories. You really don't want to eat under 1200. Change you settings to the default and choose whether you want to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. I realize that most people who have more than 50lbs to lose have a hard time eating all the calories, but you should be eating more than that as an adult male. Personally I don't eat anything low fat/no fat or diet and avoid as much processed food as possible. They are often full of sodium, sugar and chemicals. Lastly don't forget to drink your water.

    The 1200 is for woman, a man should not get less than 1500 Net
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I noticed that you are eating almost the same thing every day, your body adjusts to what you eat and you need to change the variety of food you eat. I have been told to eat a carb, a protien and a healthy fat with every meal. Try some eggs for breakfast and a wrap or sandwich for lunch and switch things up a little! I also think you are eating way to few calories over all too! Good luck and keep up the good work!
  • yamdad
    yamdad Posts: 17 Member
    thanks for the input, i added so i can watch my sodium intake, and adjusted my goal to lose 1.5 pounds a week and i will definitely try to mix up my foods a bit more. i do drink a glass of water with each snack and meal as well as during all my exercising. i only drink coffee, with non-dairy creamer, i stopped using any artificial sweeteners, as well as when im not drinking water the only other beverage throughout the day that i drink is crystal light raspberry green tea.

    i would add more fruits to my diet, but im a struggling type 2 diabetic that with even with what i am eating, and all the exercise i am doing and medication i am still around 150 with my sugars level. When i eat fruit it brings me up to 225 to 250 so i stopped eating fruits. im on a waiting list to see my endocrinologist but my appt is 9 months away.

    i really appreciate the input, getting myself to a reasonable weight the healthy way is my top priority..

    thank you so much,,
  • lovebeinGIGI
    lovebeinGIGI Posts: 72 Member
    I have to agree with those advising to eat more. As a woman, I stick to at least 1200 a day (sometimes less which isn't good but it's hard to get it all in sometims). When I start to see the scale not move, I actually increase those calories for a few days. I eat my favorite food, treat myself to my favorite sweet (not overdoing it of course) but it gives me the taste I crave for my favorite foods. Chocolate, cheesecake, a cookie or that wonderful pasts salad I love! Then, I get right back on track with my 1200 a day and suddenly, I see the scale start to move.

    I've had a dietitian give me this advice as well. Do the lower calories for about 4 days, then increase for 3 days (or so) and go back down for another 4. I calculate my calorie intake it would take to "maintain" my current weight and I try not to go over that amount. You can find calculators online to get that intake amount. For instance, for my current weight, to simply "maintain" and not gain or lose, intake would need to be approximately 1940 calories per day, with moderate/light exercise. To lose the recommended 1 -2 pounds a week, I decrease that by 500, but usually go to 1200 which is okay for a female, a male should stick to 1500 per day. So when I have my "high calorie days", I do not go above 1950 calories per day!! That way, I'm giving my body a little more, but not too much. For me, my body responds very well to this method. Hope it works for you!!
  • miztabitha
    miztabitha Posts: 2
    I just wanted to say that I have lost a total 40 pounds but I am getting to that point where it is becoming the same old routine to lose weight. Your post has inspired me. I found this site and I am pretty excited because it does show me the percentages and levels of what not to go over. It seems like I am not having trouble staying within calorie range but the sugar range is way too much. Thanks for being a great inspiration. I hope you reach your goal.